A - Abet

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"Why do I have to go?"

"Because I don't wanna go alone, I don't know any of those rich kids."

"Then how the fuck did you got invited?"


"What did you do, Rosé?" Lisa squinted her eyes at her.

"Nothing! I was at this spa yesterday and when I was getting my manicure and –"

"Wait, how did you afford that?"

"I used a coupon. It was for free don't worry and let me finish damn it! Anyway, I was getting my mani and pedi when two girls sat next to me, they were talking about this party and all the details and it sounds so awesome. Lisa, I really wanna go."

"You're really telling me. You want to crash this party?" Rosé nodded. "Who are you?"

"Shut up, I wanna get loose for once in my life, Lisa. All I do is go to school to try and get out of this shithole, go to work to pay for my tuition and come back here to sleep."

"OK, first of all, this is not a shithole." She received an incredulous look from Rosé. "OK, fine! It is a shithole but it's our shithole dude and I understand you wanna get loose and all that shit but why does it have to be a rich party? We could go and do something else."

"Don't you wanna at least once in our life experience something like that, Lis? Be surrounded by all these rich people with their expensive jewelry and cars and all that shit. We barely make it at the end of the month with our jobs. Lis, for once I wanna know how being in a mansion feels like." Rosé sighed and sat on Lisa's beat up bed.

With Lisa's two jobs and her job at the coffee shop, they could barely pay for her tuition and the food for them to not starve. Luckily, they didn't have to pay rent thanks to their grandmother who left them some money allowing them to pay for their apartment when she died when they were 15 and 18 each. Lisa's mom and Rosé's dad were siblings after their parents died completely different circumstances they were left in their grandmother's care, when she died Lisa was left in Rosé's care since she was 18 and she made everything possible for Lisa to stay with her, she didn't want to lose the last family member she had left.

She never met her mother's family since they stopped talking to her after she got pregnant, her mother never talked about them until she was very sick and started telling Rosé these crazy stories about her life before she met her father. She told her father was the owner of some business, she really didn't understand what her mother said but it was something about oil. She also told her she had traveled around the world, how she could wake up in some country in the morning and by night be in a completely different one.

Honestly, she always thought her mother was hallucinating because of her disease but she always paid attention to what she had to say and she couldn't help but want that life too. It was impossible of course, but it didn't hurt to think about it.

After seeing Rosé's sadness about their life, Lisa felt a pang of guiltiness and sadness too, she felt responsible for Rosé's sucky life. She was the reason why Rosé couldn't go out to parties and enjoy her youth. Rosé never did or said anything for Lisa to feel that way but it was how she felt. That's why she started working as soon as she turned 18, it was hard to work two jobs but it was worth it if it helps Rosé's dream of becoming a doctor.

Since before she finished high school she told Rosé she didn't want to go to college, the school wasn't for her, she wanted to do other things like being a host at some radio show or if she was hopeful maybe even become a DJ or music producer, Rosé argued with her that if she wanted to be a producer she needed to go to college but she argued against it, she told Rosé that every cent they earned was for her education and only that – and well food, only because they needed to eat – Eventually, Rosé stopped fighting with her and let her do things on her own.

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