C - Calamity

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"First of all, ew!!" this thing has pee in it." She handed the purple and white stick back to Irene and wiped her hands on her jeans. "Second, congratulations but I think you should've gone to the doctor and here with me."

"Oh God, you're an ass, Lisa!"

"An ass you had sex with." Lisa replied with a smirk on her face.

"Exactly." Irene threw her arms in the air exasperated.

Lisa's smirk started to disappear and realization dawned on her face. "No.. no.. no." she shook her head. "No, you can't be trying to say what I think you're trying to say."

"I am Lisa, the baby is yours."

"Fuck no! the party was like two months ago, a lot can happen in two months!"

"Are you s-... Did you just called me slut?"

"Absolutely... Not." She received a dirty look from Irene.

"All I'm saying is how can I be sure if the baby is mine, you easily could've had sex with someone else in these two months and you're pinning it on me."

"Again, did you just called me a slut?? Not that I need to give you any explanations but I haven't sleep with anyone in like four months but you." She poked Lisa in the chest. "That's why I was desperate enough to sleep with you at the party."

"Irene, I can't be a parent right now, okay? I just can't."

"You should've thought about that day and use a freaking condom!" and another glare was sent her way.

"You gonna throw that at me?! I was drunk. We were drunk and I'm sorry for being too busy thinking about how good everything felt."

"You sounded just like a virgin teenage boy."

"Because I was! I was fucking virgin." She yelled but quickly lowered her voice. "You were my first."

"Are you serious?" well, this wasn't the way she thought this conversation would go and it definitely didn't felt like Lisa's first time, she had made her feel like no one else before. But she sure as well wasn't going to mention this to Lisa.

"Yes, I've never been close to a girl let you alone had... you know, sex. But anyway, I can't be a parent, Irene. I'm 18 years old, I don't even have the legal age to drink for fuck sakes!" and her voice was raised again.

"And you think I'm thirty?! I don't care how old you are, you're gonna take responsibility for this." Irene pointed at her belly.

"Irene, I have two jobs, most of the money I make on those jobs go to Rosé's education or to pay the bills of the apartment or food. I have enough on my plate as it is to add a baby to the equation."

"Then ask your parents for help, I won't do this alone you hear me!" by this point, all Irene wanted to be was for Lisa to take responsibility for what they had done and get the fuck out of this place.

"I have no parents, Irene... they're both dead, I have no family except for Rosé!"

"What do you mean by that? You said your parents were rich." Irene was way too confused by everything.

"That was all Rosé, she wanted to go on your stupid party so we came with a lie on the spot. I'm sorry that we lied to you guys, but none of that was true. And I'm sorry but I can't be a mom right now." She sighed, her life was crappy enough.

"Oh, gosh... I can't believe this happening to me." Irene murmured to herself and ran her hand through her black hair. "You know what, forget everything, forget I came here to tell you this, forget that we even met." With that, Irene ran to the SUV and took off.

Would It Be Nice?On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara