P - Parasympathetic

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"The fuck was that?" Jennie jumped off the bed as soon as the door was slammed.

"Sshh, too much noise." Lisa buried her head deeper within the pillows.

"Where are my clothes? ... Lisa?!"

"Mmm, what?"

"My clothes, where are they?" Jennie started to search all around the room.

"Dunno." Lisa mumbled into the pillow. "You threw them somewhere. What was all that noise anyway?" she turned on her back and sat up rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"I don't know, geez. I need some breakfast and a freaking pill like, right now."

Lisa grabbed her head groaning. "don't talk about food." she sat with her eyes still closed next to the wall.

" she sat with her eyes still closed next to the wall

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Jennie smirked and kept talking. "I want like some waffles with a shit ton of whipped cream and chocolate chips, baco-"

Lisa got up from the bed and ran towards the bathroom. "Shut ugh...-" she barely managed to get there. Jennie's laughter and Lisa's retching filled the silence in the room.

"I think I found your clothes." She pointed at the pile in the bathub with a few of the expensive champagne bottles Henry had in his fridge. "What the hell were you doing in there?"

"Oh, right." Jennie replied thoughtfully. "I want to take a bubble bath." She started laughing.

Lisa got up and went to brush her teeth while Jennie got dress and left the room saying she needed to eat.

A few minutes later Lisa walked into the kitchen, Henry's chef was already making some food and Jennie was in a stool with her head in her hands.

"Where's your model, dude?" Lisa asked Henry when he came into the kitchen already dressed in jeans and a t-shirt.

"At her place, maybe? No one stays the night here." He winked at her. "Hey, can we talk?"

"Yeah, sure." They went into the deck at the back of the house. "What's up?"

"Irene was here..."

"..." Lisa's jaw almost hit the floor. "What?"

"I don't know why." He moved his head and shrugged raising his eyebrows. "But yeah, she uh, she has the security guys let her in, and I couldn't stop her and she saw you and Jennie in the bed."

Lisa blew some air through her lips. "Did she say anything?"

"That I was an asshole, she slapped me then ran away."

"She slapped you?" Lisa laughed.

"Don't you laugh, her hand is heavy."

"Did she say why was she here?"

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