O - Ophthalmologic

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"Watashi no ie ni youkoso." Henry said spreading his arms when he opened the heavy metal door.

"Man, this place is so fucking amazing." Lisa was amazed at how beautiful Henry's house was. It close to the beach and there was a lot of glass in the house.

"It is, c'mon, I'll show you your room."

He guided her through the house. Once Lisa dropped her duffle bag on the floor, Henry gave her a tour around the house. Showing her where everything was.

An hour later,

"Wanna go grab something to eat? I know the fridge is stocked with food but neither of us know how to cook and my chef will get here until tomorrow."

"You have your own chef?"

"I know jack shit about cooking, Lisa, so yes I do. I'll starve to death if I didn't." He grabbed a pair of keys and led Lisa to his car.

They drove for a while until they arrived at a restaurant that according to Henry had the best food in Shibuya City.

Henry offered to order something for Lisa and her eyes almost popped out of her sockets when she saw the price of what Henry had ordered for her. "Dude, that thing costs a lot."

"What did I said to you when I invited you to come here with me? You don't have to worry about money."

"It's still a lot, man."

"Shut the fuck up, Lisa." He threw a napkin to Lisa's face.

"Asshole." They started laughing.

"Hey, uh did you brought your laptop?"

"No, you need me to work?"

"No, I brought you here to have a good time, not to work. Is just that one of my friends work in Tokyo at some big label and I talked to him about you and he wanted to hear some of your music."

"Can't he go to the club?"

Henry shook his head. "He travels a lot."

"Oh, I guess I lost my chance then."

"Don't you have your mixes and all your work on the cloud?"

Lisa looked at him weirdly. "On the cloud? What are you, 50? Yes, I do have all my files online."

"Then we'll find a way to make him listen to them."

They finished eating and instead of going back home. Henry drove to a mall and tugged Lisa until they reached a store. "Hey, you. Give me the best MacBook you have." He pointed to a guy in the counter.

"What? Maaaan, no... it's already too much." Lisa stopped the guy before he walked away to show them every MacBook they had.

"You'll pay me back once you're famous, don't worry. Plus, the one you have back home is a piece of shit, no offence." Henry pulled her to follow the guy.

"I can't accept it, man."

"Lisa, listen to me." He grabbed Lisa by the shoulders. "You have done a lot for your cousin, my sister, even for me at the club. Now, it's time you let other people do something for you, I'm just trying to help you, dude, let me."

She saw sincerity oozing from Henry's eyes. "I'll pay you back."

"I know you will." He smiled at her and placed his arm around Lisa's shoulders.

"Lisa, c'mon, hurry up."

"I'll be there, hang on."

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