E - Envisage

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Irene's shock was an understatement. She had come to terms with her pregnancy quite easily since she saw those two pink lines; then the word 'pregnant' and then that blue cross in those pregnancy tests - yes, tests as in several - she took.

People could call her 'daddy's girl', 'spoiled brat' or even 'snob', but one thing she wouldn't allow people to call her was 'irresponsible' - well some people had done it already - but not about situation like this. Since the moment she found out she was pregnant, she swore to herself that she was going to be responsible for it.

But now lying here, hearing this doctor telling her, them, that she was not only pregnant with one but two babies; was a little too much for that brain of hers. How the hell was she going to look with two human beings inside of her, she'll get fat, she'll get stretch marks. Probably the only perks of getting pregnant were that she could act like crazy all she wanted, she could eat everything she wanted too and her boobs will get bigger.

Now that she thought about breastfeeding, how the hell was she going breastfeed two babies at the same time, not that she needed to but still. Thinking about having one baby latched into her nipple was kind of overwhelming and a bit weird. But thinking about two of them latched to each of her nipples was frying her brain.

Still, even though the situation had gotten slightly more complicated than before, she still was going to be responsible. Not for one-second abortion or something along those lines crossed her mind. For once in a long time; she wasn't going to choose the easiest yet stupidest decision.

On the other side of the room when Lisa heard the word 'twins' she felt the floor underneath her move and fearing that she'll end up in that same floor, she leaned against the wall in the room they were at. She was trying so hard to become the first person to kill herself just with her mind but failing miserably.

If she was fucked before, with only one baby, she was now being fucked twice.

"My receptionist will give you your next appointment, you'll need to take this every day." She wrote something and gave Irene the prescription she took out of her lab coat. "That medication will help you and the babies, I'm sure you know what you can and can't eat or drink but I'll still give you this." She handed her a pamphlet. "There's a whole list about it and also useful information. Do you have any questions?" She looked around the room to the other four people occupying it.

All of them shook their heads and thanking her, they left the room. Lisa took her wallet out, she didn't have much money in it but she was going to pay what she could. She walked to the receptionist and ask how much she owes her for the check-up and everything.

Siwon saw this and he went to her. "Don't worry Lisa, everything is taken care of. Hey, we're going to eat something, wanna join us?"

"Sorry, sir. I have to go back to work, I don't want my cousin to be there all my shift."

"C'mon, join us. An hour tops, then you can go back to work."

She thought about it for a few minutes and accepted since she didn't want to be rude with him. When they walked outside the SUVs were already waiting for them, Lisa told Siwon she was going to follow them in her bike but he wasn't having any and told her his bodyguards would take care of it and that she was going to ride with them.

Reluctantly she got into the SUV and luckily Siwon took the seat next to her in the backseat, leaving Irene with her mother in the front one.

"Are you okay? You've been really quiet." He asked her when the car started moving.

"Just, um... I'm thinking about what the doctor said."

"About twins?" Lisa nodded. "I know it sounds harder, but I wasn't lying about the things I told you the other day." He placed his hand on Lisa's shoulder. "If you don't want to be in their life then I'll respect that but if you do, you won't have to pay for anything. You'll just be there for them."

Would It Be Nice?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora