X - End

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"They wanted to celebrate. You know, you, the babies, we moving in together and your dad was a bit too excited to know you were finally moving out of their house." Lisa chuckled.


When they got downstairs, they saw Jack and Henry carrying some foldable tables to the back yard, Rosé, Suzy, Jisoo, and Seohyun talking animatedly in the kitchen while they cooked some food, and Siwon carrying a couple of suitcases with Donghae's help.

"See, I told ya." Lisa pointed at them.

"I'm serious, from what I heard from Jackson, he started packing your stuff after I told them my plan and he also basically kicked him out of there too. Telling him that if his younger sister was out of there, he'd have to move out too."

"So, they knew?" Irene asked her.

"Yeah, I mean as I said Henry helped me with the realtor and moving all this stuff along with Jack. I asked your parents if they thought this thing was a good idea and their permission to take their daughter out of the house, so yeah, they knew."

"You sure know how to woo a girl." Irene jokingly pushed Lisa aside.

"You guys suck." Irene pouted but couldn't help to smile when Lisa started laughing again, she really couldn't ask for more. Maybe Lisa wasn't asking her to marry her, but she could wait for that. So far what they had at the moment was perfect.

They surely made some awful decisions since the minutes they met and perhaps even before that, but they couldn't be happier about the results of the decisions.

They had two healthy and very handsome boys, great friends, and family that supported them no matter what but that kicked their asses into gear whenever necessary.

Even though we both know we're liars
And we start each other's fires
We just know that we'll be alright

And I don't wanna be somebody
Without your body close to me
And if it wasn't you
I wouldn't want anybody close to me

Everyone makes mistakes. That is life's way of teaching us lessons, and sometimes, they come in hard ways. That is why we often times say, every mistake is a lesson. But how many of us see our mistakes as such? Would it be nice if we stumble, fall, and decide to never get back up? Do we stumble, fall, and take note of what made us stumble so as not to make the same mistake again?

Everyone makes mistakes, this is how you can love and forgive yourself. It's not how we make mistakes but how we correct them that define us.


See ya in next Lisrene story.

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