J - Jaculable

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Lisa was fuming, she wanted to kill her fucking boss -the former boss- or whoever got in her path first.

She had arrived at her second job like 30 minutes late thanks to not having her freaking bike and when she did, her boss told her she didn't have a job anymore.

She told him all the curse words she knew and also invented some new one. She would've kicked that prick's ass if it wasn't for Bambam who hold her before she got the chance to do it.

She was so busy thinking about her problems that she didn't saw Irene a few feet away from her, or what was happening with her.

Some guy, a little older and bigger than them, had Irene pressed against the wall of their apartment building. He had his arms on each side of Irene's head and she was trying to get out of there.

She was uncomfortable and scared.

She saw Lisa a little further from them and started yelling at her. It took a little while for Lisa to hear that someone was calling for her. She turned her head when recognized the voice and the scene. She was met with the guy made her blood boil even more.

She walked the few steps left between them a little faster. The other guy hadn't even noticed her, she grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him forcefully away from Irene.

When the guys saw her, his eyes grew wide. He knew Lisa and he knew the temperament she had when she was mad.

"I'm sorry man, s-..."

Lisa threw her fist to his face right away, not caring about his excuse, a crack was heard and blood started to run down the guy's nose.

She threw another punch and another and another. He kept muttering things but Lisa was in a state of mind when she didn't care what he had to say. She wanted to get the anger against her boss and the anger of seeing this asshole bothering Irene out of her.

He fell to the ground and that's when she took the chance to look at his face. She knew the guy, he lived a few blocks down the street. He was the same guy who had bothered Rosé the week they moved to their apartment.

That made her even angrier, she had told the guy that time that she didn't wanted to see him bothering another girl ever again. She straddled the guy's stomach and fisted his shirt with her right hand and punched him again, repeatedly with her left.

"I fucking told you not to do this ever again."

"You're... gonna... regret... messing... with... my... girl." She punctuated every words with a new punch.

The cracking noise she heard and the feeling of the bone only spurred her on, she wanted him to hurt. That time she had Rosé to stop her, this time she was not there.

She was both scared and proud that even been such a girl, she could do this to a person bigger and stronger than her.

Irene was in shock not only for seeing Lisa like this but because she had called her 'her girl' hers, it made her stomach flutter with a feeling she had never felt before.

She wanted Lisa's help when she saw her but she never thought this would happen. Not for once.

Irene tried calling her name, she even yelled her name when she saw that Lisa didn't heard her. The other bad guy was running from the scene.

After having no luck, she got close to them and grabbed Lisa's arm, stopping her from hitting the guy some more. That's when Lisa remembered that Irene was there too, Irene could feel Lisa shaking, her hand had blood dripping from it and Irene saw that some of her knuckles were busted.

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