F - Fracas

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Suzy dropped Rosé at her place a few hours later because she didn't want push her luck with Lisa but also because she wanted to talk with Irene about the message, she sent her.

When she got there, she didn't even bother on knocking or ringing the bell since it was like her second house. She got inside and yelled at Irene, having no luck, she walked upstairs to Irene's room hoping to find her there.

Irene was with her back pressed against her headboard with a whole carton of milk ice cream in her hands, an open bag of Doritos nacho cheese to her right side and an empty burger king bag to her left.

"Woah, are you hungry? I can totally order a tteobokki, you know." Suzy said sarcastically.

"Yes, please!" okay, Irene didn't catch on that. "I was going to send Donghae for another burger or tokkebi hot dog but tteobokki and kimbap sound even better."

Suzy pressed her lips together to contain the laughter that was threatening to come out of her mouth. "Alright, I'll order it." She placed the order whilst jumping on the bed next to Irene.

"I was waiting for you to come hours ago." Irene told her through a mouthful of ice cream.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I was on a date with Rosie."

"Ew, are you dating her now?"

"Irene, please. I like her, okay?"

"Alright, whatever."

"Are you gonna share the ice cream or you're planning on eating it all by yourself?"

"You can have some, here." She handed the carton and the spoon to Suzy.

She looked inside and there was just like two or three spoons of ice cream left. "You already ate it all."

"Shut up, I did not, there still some left. How long would it take for the orders to get here, I'm hungry, Suzy." She whined, picking the open bag of Doritos and throwing a handful of them in her mouth.

"Listen, I know you're pregnant with two babies, which by the way, is so fucking awesome! But that's not an excuse to pig out all this."

"It totes is. I can finally eat all I want without caring about my weight too much."

"You do know you'll gain weight though, right?"

"Shut up, stop crushing my dreams." Suzy laughed and made the motion of zipping her lips.

"Are you excited about the whole twins thing?"

"I really am, you know it never crossed my mind having kids but now that I am, it feels good."

"Can you like fast forward and get those peanuts out of you so they can call me Auntie already?" Suzy asked rubbing Irene's almost flat stomach.

"Don't... it feels weird." She took Suzy's hand from her stomach. "I wish I could fast forward though, I can't wait to have them in my arms. Though I hope they look nothing like Lisa."

Suzy rolled her eyes. "Why not? She's hot and her eyes are beautiful."

"If you find her so hot why don't you go and fuck her." Irene snapped.

"Is someone jealous?" Suzy asked, a smirk forming on her lips.

She scoffed. "I don't get jealous, ugh... whatever."

"Then why did you just said that, huh?"

"I don't know, forget about it."

"Answer this honestly, do you have any feelings for her?"

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