T - Trichromatic

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"I'd love to stay the night but it's been so incredible that I don't want to ruin it." They were standing outside the door of Irene's house. She had just invited Lisa to stay the night.

"You wouldn't. There's nothing you can do to ruin the night and you know my parents are okay with you staying here."

"Okay then." Her voice came out as a whisper. "There's something I want to do properly before we go inside though. Something I wanted to do since our date started."

She moved forward placing her hands on Irene's hips and captured her lips between hers. Caught by surprise Irene stumbled backwards making her back hit the door but she responded the kiss right away.

They broke the kiss with Lisa biting and pulling Irene's lower lip, and a moan escaping Irene's opened mouth.

"Let's not waste any more time." Irene said pulling Lisa inside the house.


"Stop staring you creep." Irene heard Lisa chuckle and it made her smile.

"It's really hard not to." It was Lisa's response.

"What were you thinking about?"

"About last night, I told you I wanted to take all this slow but I ruined it at the first chance I had."

Irene got up and straddled Lisa's lap. "Hey, you didn't ruin anything, everything about yesterday was perfect, Lis. Everything." She placed a soft kiss on Lisa's lips. "I understand you want to tell our babies a huge romantic story about us and how they were conceived and we can still do that. They don't need to know how everything actually happened."

Lisa sighed and leaned her forehead against Irene's. "I know, I know I'm making all this weird, is just... they're not even here and they already mean the world to me. I want them to know they were loved and wanted from beginning."

"And they will, as long as we're there for them, they'll know." Irene kissed Lisa's cheek. "Stop thinking about it." She went for another kiss.


"You know, Lisa, this is a big house but I was still able to hear you defiling my sister and I'm not liking it at all." Jack said when he saw Irene and Lisa walking into the kitchen.

Lisa's eyes went wide and she turned to look at Irene and then back at Jack. "Uh... I ... sorry?"

"Stop it, Jack. Don't worry, he's just messing with you, he stays at the other house. By the way, where's mom and dad?"

"Work. I'm going to the mall to check a few stores. You guys wanna come with me?"

"Oh, sure. I'll go." Irene answered placing a plate full of food in front of Lisa.

"I have to go back home, I have work in a couple hours so..."

"You really have to?" the pout on Irene's face was really hard to resist but Lisa had to work.

"I don't want to, but I have to."

"Alright, eat then."

They ate making conversation, thankfully not about Lisa and Irene's sex life anymore but about Jackson confessing he was thinking about proposing to Jisoo and about Irene's pregnancy.

The babies were healthy and growing perfectly, they still didn't want to know their gender yet.

Walking inside the apartment Lisa found her cousin sitting on their couch reading one of her books.

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