Chapter twenty

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There was another loud explosion from the volcano, and we all watched as we saw the volcano spit out another blast of lava. I heard Maddie let out a terrified squel, then clutch on to Tristan. I buried my head into Connor's arm, hiding my eyes from the bright orange river.

Sudden helicopter wings whirring could be heard above. We all glanced up, and saw a helicopter, letting down a rope ladder for us to climb up on. We all stood up straight, grabbing on to one another. I glanced over to Tom and the island girls, who were staring up at the rope hopelessly.

"Com, what about them?" I stared over in their direction. I heard my boyfriend sigh beside me.

"You coming?" He called over to Tom and the girls. They looked over at one another, all hope seemingly gone.

"... No. We shouldn't have done what we did. You lot go; that helicopter won't hold you AND us. Just forget about us, you go." Tom replied, giving us a small smile. My jaw dropped as I heard his response.

"Tom, please, it's okay! You did it for a reason!" I protested.

"Nah, you go. Besides, this is our home. You deserve to go back to yours."

"Chloe, Connor! Hurry up!" We heard James call from inside the helicopter. I hadn't even noticed that the others had made their way inside, oops.

"Come on, Clo," Con sighed, placing his hand gently on my shoulder. "It's time to go home." I took one last glance at Tom and the girls, then grabbed onto the ladder and began to make my way up.

We'd all got inside safely. Turned out Sophie's best friend's uncle owned a helicopter; so here we were. I looked down at the island as we began to fly off, and saw Tom and the girls surrounded by burning lava. I saw Con staring helplessly down too, and he clutched my hand protectively as we flew away.

This chapter literally made me so emotional whilst I was writing it! I'm gonna upload the last chapter tonight (pretty soon hopefully!) which I'm looking forward to, as it's gonna be such a good ending. Also, I'm gonna start a new fanfic, one that I'll update probably once or twice a week, so could you guys give me some plot ideas that you'd like to read? I have a few ideas that I think you'd like (they don't have to be drama like this one was), and I'll take all ideas into consideration. So yeah! Last chapter tonight! Are you guys excited?

I love you all
~ Chloe xoxo

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