Chapter five

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I felt my body plummet into the icy cold water which was the sea.

"Connor!" I shouted, gasping for air. Swimming never was my strong point - I couldn't even tread water.

I felt my face duck under the water for a second and gulped in a large amount of the horrible salty taste.


"Chloe!" I could identify that accent anywhere. At least he was okay. "Just swim, baby - I'm coming!" I did as Connor said and began to swim in little circles, waiting for Con - until I suddenly felt a hand touch mine.

"It's okay, babe. I'm here. Let's find a little rock or island or something."

"Okay," I panted, exhausted. I wondered about the other boys, Nazmin and Nicole, but didn't have the energy to start asking millions of questions.

I was getting mentally and physically exhausted now. My teeth were chattering and it was beginning to get dark.

"I can't do this, Connor," I breathed, completely drained. He attempted to turn back at me, then grabbed hold of my hand.

"Just a bit further, Clo. Look below, you can see the ground a bit. That must mean there's land nearby. Trust me." I nodded in response, trying to catch my breath. I didn't know where we were heading, but I trusted that Connor knew what he was talking about and that there really was a bit of land nearby.


After what felt like an eternity, I saw trees. Palm trees. And sand! That meant...

"Connor! Look - an island!" I suddenly found the strength to let go of Connor's hand and swim until I reached a small island, Con close behind.

"Told you so," Con smiled adorably. "Where did all that energy suddenly come from?" I was about to reply when I suddenly realized; we were alone. No Brad, James, Tris, Nazmin or Nicole - just us.

"Con, what about the others?!" I wanted to cry but I didn't think that would be appropriate right now. It was weird without Brad's childish laughter and Nicole's advice, even though we'd only just met.

"Oh shit! Brad! Tris! James!" Connor frantically stood up and began shouting the boys' names at the top of his lungs. "Brad!" I got up to comfort my boyfriend and pulled him into a tight hug.

"It's okay, Con. They'll be okay - they always are." I tried my best to reassure him but to be honest, I couldn't even reassure myself. It was scary seeing Con cry; it was normally me who did the crying.

"Go to sleep, babe. We'll go searching tomorrow, okay?" I didn't know the time, but I knew it was late. Connor gave one last hard sniff, then obediently lay down on the sand that surrounded us. I lay down beside him, and within minutes heard his heavy breathing, signifying he was asleep.

I stood up, feeling cold, lonely and lost. I was mainly worried about the others more than myself and Connor - I mean, at least we weren't just floating around in the sea.

I was beginning to feel quite thirsty too. I knew that this was because of the amount of salt water I'd swallowed whilst swimming for my life, but now what? I searched nearby for any coconuts, but failed immediately. Eventually, I gave in and lay down next to Connor's sleeping body, pressing myself up against him for warmth. He stirred a little, but slept on nonetheless.

I don't remember falling asleep, though I must've, as much to my surprise it was James who awoke me from my dreams.

"J-James?" I stammered, shocked.

"Shh, you'll wake Con. Have you seen the others?"

"No - how did you get here?!"

"I swam. A lot. Through the dark and all. I was at least hoping to find Nazmin here," he sighed, disappointed.

"Oh. Sorry, James. I haven't seen them." James sighed understandably.  Connor mumbled something under his breath and turned to face me.

"Morni- James?! Oh my God, you're safe!" Con sprung up energetically and gave James a hug, in the way that boys do. I smiled, happy to see the two reunited. But that didn't stop me worrying about the others.


Obviously we couldn't tell the time, but I guessed it was about 1pm when some of our luggage washed up on the sandy shore.

"Omigosh! CLOTHES !" I cried, dashing over to one of the suitcases. Opening it up, I found a damp tracksuit jacket and bottoms and a few tops. They certainly weren't my clothes, but maybe they were Nicole's or Nazmin's? If they weren't then I was basically borrowing a stranger's clothes - oh well.

Next to me, James and Con were searching through the other two cases - one of which was James'. He pulled out his probably broken phone and earphones, soggy clothes and some now-ruined fan mail. Much to my surprise he burst into tears, holding his clothes close to his face. I didn't know what was upsetting him, though my guess was that he missed and was worried about Nazmin and the others, and so was I. I began to think about Tris' girlfriend Maddie and how worried she must be. I know Tris said to look for an island near America, but how did he know where that was? How would she know? Even if he washed up here, with us (which I hoped more than anything), how would she know? Sure, if she felt towards Tris anything near how I feel towards Connor, she'd search the universe for him and not stop until she found him. But still, that could be a long time.

I let out a loud sigh, and then felt Connor pull me close. I took in his soothing smell, more than grateful to have him here with me.

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