Chapter seventeen

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The trek up the volcano was horrendous. Everyone was huffing and puffing; James had even resulted to having to give Nazmin a piggyback up to the top. Chloe still didn't say anything.

"Right, now I'm gonna tell you something." Tom started when we eventually reached the peak of the volcano. I could hear it bubbling away next to me - quite worrying to be honest.

"This volcano right here, it erupts every year. Same date, same time. Two years ago, we threw in a dog - didn't do anything. Last year, we threw in four cows and two horses, and much to our surprise, it calmed the eruption down - it still happened, but nowhere near as bad as it normally does. So, this year, we wanna try something new. We wanna try and throw in people. People like you. Helpless, exhausted and full. That's why we did the survival methods with you; we feel the volcano would be more satisfied if it got more intelligent people."

"Wait, what?!" Brad exclaimed, terrified.

"You heard. Girls! Grab them." Tom ordered.

"No!" Everyone started panicking, shouting and screaming.

"Wait!" Tris shouted, silencing everyone. "Take me. I'm the tallest, oldest, and I ate the most earlier. Spare these and use me - please."

"No, mate. Take me," I volunteered. Chloe clutched on to my hand, whimpering quietly. The volcano growled next to us. "Please." I asked, staring straight into Tom's eyes. The girls took hold of me and Tris, leaving the others behind. Just before I left, I turned back to see Chloe with tears streaming down her face, her heart broken. Oh God, what had I done?


HAPPY NEW YEARRRR! So I was meant to update yesterday, but I really didn't have time. Haha, there's so much drama at the minute! Did you guys like this chapter?

I think we're nearly at the end of this story, so I'll be updating a lot soon. Would you guys like a sequel after?

So I'm also going to my best friend's house tomorrow, so my plan is to update in the morning before I go and then when I come home - would you like that?

I really guys are enjoying the story - I'm loving writing it! Don't forget to vote, comment and follow me!

I love you all!
~ Chloe xoxo

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