Chapter two

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It was a two hour journey from mine to James'. James was also in the band; he was the one who started it. I loved the group name, The Vamps. It was just so cute, like Connor.

I thought I'd be okay with the long journey. Wow, was I wrong. I felt sick, tired and had a banging headache. It was seven when we'd left mine, we'd been messing about after school. I was super tired on the journey because I hadn't slept the night before due to excitement. Along with that, car sickness and headaches, I was worried about getting homesick. I rolled down the window despite the rain and hung my head out a little bit to try and get some fresh air.

"You okay babe?" I heard Connor ask.

"Not really, but it's okay. I'll be okay,"

"Babe, put your head back in and pull up the window, you'll get ill. Wow, I hope the weather's not like this in America!"

I winded up the window and threw my head back against the seat, my head pounding. I closed my eyes for what felt like a second, and suddenly Connor was calling my name.

"Chloe, wake up, we're here!" I opened my eyes to see Connor's beautiful smile. He looked so happy, his beautiful eyes shining with excitement. I sat up straight and found myself wrapped up in a cute little blanket, which clearly Con had done for me, which was adorable.

We trudged through the mushy grass up to James' amazing house. A pretty girl with beautiful brown eyes opened the door, smiling sweetly at us both.

"Hi Connor! Oh, and you must be Chloe. I've heard so much about you. I'm Nazmin - nice to meet you!" Well, if all these 'new' people were like this it'd be fine. She seemed lovely! She lead me and Connor through to the living room, where I was greeted by an excitable James, Brad and Tristan.

"Chloe!" They chorused cheerfully.

"Hey guys!" I smiled, hugging each one of them individually.

"Have you met Nazmin properly yet? She's my girlfriend," James smiled, signalling her over. She sat delicately on his lap and he hugged her from behind. They looked so adorable together!

"I have a new girlfriend too, Chloe!" Brad squealed excitably. "She's called Nicole and she's luuuuuurvly! She is, isn't she Con?"

"Yes, Brad," Con chucked, pulling me close. "Tris has a girlfriend too, but she's going to meet us at the airport in America." It was then that a beautiful girl hurried through the house and gave Brad a massive surprise cuddle.

"Hey Nicole! This is Chloe - you know, Connor's girl?" Nazmin introduced.

"Oh yeah! Hi Chloe! I've heard a lot of positive things about you. I've absolutely been dying to meet you!" I couldn't help but have a giant smile form on my face. Connor peered down and me then kissed me once again. This really would be the dream vacation.

Breaking My Heart (The Vamps Fanfic) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now