Chapter sixteen

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I hurried off into the jungle, my heart pounding with fear. It was dangerous, but I couldn't just leave them with these dangerous people, could I? No.

I felt another arrow fly past my head, only just missing me. I sped up, my legs moving way quicker than I could coal with. I felt like an animal being hunted down, and it was terrifying.

Another arrow. I tripped up stupidly, landing into the small particles of sand that lay beneath me. And then, that was it.

Connor's POV

All I could think about was Chloe. The others were fine - Brad and Nicole were together, James and Nazmin were together and Tris and Maddie were together - it was just me and Chloe. I made a fast attempt to stand up, but failed. The girls hooked onto my arm and smiled at me, showing off their somehow perfectly white teeth. Everyone was just staring at me; then I heard it.

"Put me down! Where are you taking me? Just let me go!" I knew that voice anywhere.

"Chloe!" I cried, attempting to stand up once again. She looked up and smiled at me, despite the two girls clinging endlessly on to me.

"Con," she whispered, that cute little grin I'd missed ever so much still plastered on to her face. The girl carrying my girlfriend put her down, and the two girls holding on to me let go. I ran towards my girlfriend and picked her up in my arms, tears spilling down both of our faces.

"See? We're not horrible." I put Chloe down and turned around to find a man with tribal paint splattered down his face. I saw Chloe's expression drop with worry.

"Thankyou for getting her back here safely," I smiled. The other man smiled back, making his way over to me.

"I'm Tom. And you are?" We took about ten minutes introducing ourselves, and then Tom (the tribe leader) took us into another cleared forest area and gave us some coconut milk and some nuts and berries to nibble on. We all savored every piece of food - we hadn't eaten anything better than this in days.

Tom started to ask about how and why we'd come here, leaving us to explain about the plane crash and everything, which to be honest, made us all tearful.

Then, that was that - Tom told us it was about 1am so we should sleep - apparently we had a lot of work to do the next day...


I woke up with Chloe's head on my chest, still fast asleep. It was comforting to see her like this - she hadn't really had any proper rest since the car journey, if you class that as proper.

Eventually, she woke up, and so did everyone else. We all ate any leftover berries we could find, and then Tom re-entered.

"Morning, everyone!" He chirped, smiling - way too happy for a morning.

"Morning," we all replied, much less enthusiastically. Tom chuckled.

"Long day today. Food hunting, climbing and archery practice!" To be honest, that didn't sound that bad. We all made our way over to Tom and circled around him - had Chloe tight in my grasp, protecting her.

So, first we went looking for food. He showed us safe and dangerous berries - quite useful to be honest. We then went climbing for cocunuts so we could drink, using each other for support. And, last but not least, we did archery. We were in teams of two, and James and Nazmin won every time without a doubt - they were amazing!

"Right," Tom began. "One last thing to end the day..." Tom gave us a lot of berries, nuts and coconut milk. "Eat up and then we can go!" He smiled, leaving us to it.

No one said a word, we were all too grateful munching away on our food and drinking the coconut milk. We were finished in no time.

"Done?" Tom questioned, this time with the two girls who had been with me at first by his side. We all nodded in response. "Then follow me."

We all did as he said and got up to follow him, trailing behind. Chloe looked nervous and we approached a large volcano.

"It's okay Clo, it's probably a sleeping volcano. You know, those ones that haven't erupted in years? Those." Chloe still didn't look content. Besides, why were we going here...?

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