Chapter nine

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Nazmin's POV

I hated this. I hated being alone.

Why did our plane have to crash, out of every single plane? I should've be cuddled up with James, not freezing cold on some random rock.

I wrapped my arms around my legs, hoping that it would make me warmer. I began to wonder about the others - were they together? Or were they still swimming?

There it was - sunrise. I stared at the orange fireball rising in the sky. I heard the crashing of the waves against the rock I was huddled up on, and could smell the disgusting stench of the salt water surrounding me. My clothes were wet through, and I'd lost quite a bit of weight. I knew that you couldn't survive long at all without food or proper water, so I knew that today was the day that I had to begin swimming again.

I stood up on the slippery rock, careful to stay balanced. Well, here goes.

I splashed into the cold sea and began swimming once again. I was surprised I wasn't tired as I hadn't slept since the plane journey with James. I missed him so much.

Chloe's POV

It was early morning now - the sun had rose but everyone slept on. Brilliant.

I drew in the sand for a while as I didn't want to move too much and wake Connor next to me, who had now started snoring. Connor never snores but when he does, it's enough to wake everyone - and it was right down my ear.

Tris was the first to wake up.

"Morning," he smiled.

"Morning," I replied in a whisper so I didn't wake my sleeping boyfriend.

"Help!" Me and Tris looked over at one another. Was that...?

"Help!" I jumped up, completely forgetting about Con for a second as he woke up moaning.

"Sorry, Con - listen!"

"Help me, please!" Connor jumped up too and we all hurried over to the sea. "Help!"

"NAZMIN!" I cried, accidentally waking the others. James heard his girlfriend's name and dashed across the sand.

"Baby girl!" He ran straight into the water and swam over to his girlfriend, helping her up. Nazmin was gasping for breath and looked absolutely shattered, but wow was I glad she was okay.

"J-James," she shivered as James took off his top and placed it around her shivering body. She sat with her knees up to her him as James wrapped his muscular arms around her and cried into her dripping wet hair. I looked up at Connor and smiled, and he picked me up and hugged me. Everyone was okay, and there was just one person left to find - Maddie.

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