Chapter six

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I still couldn't believe how upset James was.

I stood up and placed my arm around him comfortingly.

"It's okay, James. I'm sure they're all okay." James looked up into my eyes, giving me a look of trust. Oh God, what if I was wrong? I'd never be able to forgive myself.

"Chloe!" Stupid over thinking, I was beginning to even hear things. "Chloe!" I turned around, and sprinting up towards me on the beautiful sandy beach was Nicole, Brad and Tris.

"OH MY GOD GUYS YOU'RE SAFE!" I cried, dashing up to them. They were all smiling, big grins spread upon their faces. I felt a cold tear run down my face before I could stop it, but I didn't care. I heard James and Connor bounding up to the three, their voices happy and excitable once again.

Wait... Nazmin? Where was she? I glanced quickly around the island, scanning it for her beautiful long hair. I didn't wanna say anything, because James was happy at the minute and I didn't want him worrying. But seriously, where was she?

I felt a cold hand on my shoulder and quickly spun around.

"You okay, love?" Connor asked, a look of worry on his face.

"Am I the only one who's noticed?" I questioned.

"Noticed...?" I couldn't believe this.

"Nazmin? Where is she?!" I saw Con's eyes quickly scan the area around us.

"I-I don't know," Without saying a word, I sprinted off into the direction of long trees and vines. "Chloe, come back!"

I didn't go back. I couldn't just stay with everyone knowing that Nazmin was still missing.

I scanned the trees and unfamiliar bushes around me.

"Chloe!" They were still shouting my name.

"Chloe, stop." I spun around to find an exhausted James behind me. "She'll be okay. I know she will." I didn't know how to feel. This was James' girlfriend! How could he just leave her?

"No James, I-"

"Trust me." I sighed, not quite knowing what to say. Whenever me and Con had spoke on the phone he'd always said James and his girlfriend were close, but surely he couldn't figure out everything about her by one single thought.

James led me back through the forest onto the sandy shore. Connor hurried up to me and pulled me into a hug.

"Don't you ever do that again, I thought I was gonna lose you," I could hear that he was serious and not just being childish by the emotional tone in his voice.

"I'm sorry, Con." He pulled away from me and held me firmly by the shoulders, looking deep into my eyes.

"Clo, trust me. Nazmin will be okay, but she's James' responsibility, not mine. You're my responsibility, and if anything ever happened to you I'm not sure what type of hell my life would become, and I don't want to find out. Please don't just run off again, baby. We don't know what's around here - you could get seriously hurt." I nodded, understanding every word. But I still couldn't stop worrying about my new friend.

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