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-Muscle disease
-(Child) abuse (blood)

George's POV

I woke up early that morning and slid down the stairs before anyone else was there. I didn't want to take a shower, I would do that this evening as I was planning on going to the farm and look for Clay.

I grabbed an apple out of the kitchen and started eating it as I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. My dad walked in and looked at me shortly. 'George, can you help me for a second?'

'Yes, what's wrong?'

'Could you carry this bag to your sister's room? We left it in the car.'

I stared at the bag on the ground and sighed. I knew I couldn't do this, but I wanted to try at least. I walked to the bag and tried lifting it, but it was way too heavy. I couldn't even lift it a centimetre off the ground and my dad looked at me with a mad look in his eyes.

'Sorry, dad. I'm actually trying, but I can't. Could you try to lift it? I can try to push it upstairs.'

'No, you're going to do this yourself.'


'But I won't be able to, I'm very sorry.' I grabbed my apple again and took a bite, but my dad got furious. He pushed me against the wall, hit me in my face and a minute later my sister ran into the room.

'I'm sick of it!' she yelled. 'Stop hitting George, you're abusing your own son. Stop it, he did nothing wrong.'

'He didn't lift the bag for me and I asked him to do that. He didn't listen.'

'No, I heard him say that he didn't manage to do it. I can get it upstairs, leave George alone.'

'You're a girl, George is the man here. He's supposed to do it, he will never get any girls like this.'

'What a coincidence that I don't even want the girls,' I muttered. I was surprised that I dared to say something like that, but everything would get even worse than it already was.

'You don't want the girls? What did you just say?' my dad yelled.

'Nothing,' I muttered, but my dad kicked me. I fell down on the ground and winced as I couldn't manage to stand up anymore.


I ignored him, but I got kicked again. I figured that I could better repeat the sentence than getting beaten up completely, so I looked at him and sighed. 'I don't want girls.'


'I don't know,' I muttered.

I got kicked again and my sister stepped in front of my dad. She helped me up and pointed at the door. I was very weak, but I tried running at the door as fast as I could. I opened the door and fell down on the ground as my dad ran after me, lifting his leg to kick me again.


Suddenly he waved at someone and I stared at Clay and his brother looking at me. My dad went back inside after he helped me up. I struggled a lot as I walked to Clay and his brother and smiled at them as I sat down on the ground next to Wolly.

'Blood!' Clay yelled with big eyes as he pointed at my face.

'I fell down the stairs,' I muttered. 'How is Wolly?'

'Both Wolly's are good,' Clay smiled as he hugged the sheep tightly.

I smiled. 'Can I hug Wolly as well?'

Clay thought about my question for a few seconds and then nodded. 'You can hug Wolly too.'

I gave the sheep a hug and looked at Clay's brother and his bag. 'Do you maybe have a napkin or something so I can dab my nose? I think my nose is bleeding?'

'Yeah, it's your nose. And I do, give me a minute.'

I nodded and Clay's brother started searching in his bag. He lifted a napkin in the air a bit later and handed it to me. 'Do you want some water?' he asked.


'It's fine, don't worry.'

Clay didn't pay attention to our conversation and looked up at me, talking through his brother. 'Tonight I'm going to watch an episode of my favourite series again, then there's a soccer match my brother and I are going to watch and maybe my brother will allow me to watch videos of fish and birds before I go to sleep.'

'That sounds great!' I smiled. 'What series do you watch?'

'It's about a high school, I think it's pretty fun and my brother watches with me. I think some of the boys are very handsome as well.'

I looked at his brother since Clay didn't really realise what he just said and his brother wrapped an arm around Clay.

'Do you mind George knowing the thing I told our parents?'

Clay was thinking and didn't realise I was just next to him. 'I think he is allowed to know. He is sweet.'

I smiled and Clay looked at me. 'You are allowed to know my secret!'

'Really? I feel very special now,' I said with a smile.

'I like boys,' Clay said and put his thumb in his mouth after that, softly rocking.

'I'm proud of you,' I smiled. I didn't dare to come out to him as well. I wasn't even sure myself who I liked and what I was. I just knew I didn't like girls the way other boys liked girls.

Clay nodded softly and held his stuffed animal, Wolly, tightly against his body as he cuddled up with Wolly the Sheep.

We spent the rest of the day together. Since it was the weekend, Clay's brother went home to get some lunch for us three and we ate it at the farm. Clay was just cuddling with both Wolly's as he talked a lot about the things he liked.

He told me everything about animals and his series, but he spoke so fast that I didn't really understand his words. Though, he didn't mind and was fine with me only listening to him. He got this happy that he gave me a very short hug at the end of the day and went back home with his brother as I stayed at the farm for as long as possible to avoid my dad.

1072 words

George's dad asked George to lift something and he couldn't do it. Then his dad said that he would never get any girls and George said that he didn't even want girls, causing him to get beaten up even more. His sister tries to help George.

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