Cause for Concern

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I might've only listened to Lovejoy songs when writing this chapter. I feel like Cause for Concern is the most applicable.

Tubbo's teacher was the worst. They clearly don't understand how dyslexia works. The kid can't read because of something he can't control? Just try harder! Odviously. Phil was tempted to send Tubbo to school with a strongly worded note to give to his teacher, because they had decided that since he wasn't good at reading, they should send him home with a bunch of book for him to read over winter break. Because practice will definitely fix the way his brain is structured. Definitely.

Phil didn't want to help Tubbo read. He wanted to be with Kristin right now. And Tubbo didn't want to read either, he had to guess heavily on every word. And looking at the words gives him a headache. And Tommy didn't want Tubbo to be reading because he wanted to play with Tubbo, and he feels scammed that Tubbo has to do school work during winter break.

They've all been scammed frankly.

Phil really wanted to send him with a note for his teacher.

"Phil, the letters won't stop! How am I supposed to read it?"

"I don't know Tubbo, but you can figure something out."

"It's starting to hurt my head!"

Phil sighed.

"One more sentence and you can be done."

"Uh. The... Done?"





"There's not enough letters for that."

"Oh, I don't know!"


"The Dog... Jumped around?"


"Jumped over... Then-"


"Over the... Dog?"

"There's only one dog."


"The word is log. The Dog jumped over the log."

"Oh. See! You can read! Why can't you do the reading instead?!"

"I don't know Tubbo."

"Can we be done?"

"Yes." Tubbo had gotten to the second page, and each page only had three sentences. Still, he should get to relax.

"Yaaay!" Tubbo jumped up from his seat on the floor and ran over to Tommy's room.


Or do that.

Phil sighed, leaning back and stretching his wings out. That was when something happened. Something that was frankly scarier than it should've been.

Wilbur walked though the door.

Phil had no idea that Wilbur could be as scary as he was just then.

He had a thick brown trenchcoat on, one Phil hadn't seen before, and it was covered in soot and dirt. His hair was messy too, but he just pushed it to the side. He also had black boots, which were covered in ash. He had a big grin on his face.

Will shouldn't have been outside, unless it was before the lake. But knowing Wilbur, he'd gone past it.

"Wilbur?" Phil hoped his voice wasn't as squeaky as he thought it was.

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