Think it Through

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Haha... Ha. Oh.....

Mace wasn't stupid, she made decent plans and followed though, and when she wanted something, she went to get it. although she frequently made rash decisions that ended up going poorly. One way or another.

She also had a big ago. And those two things together was a recipe for disaster unless someone held her down.

Well, that someone was too sad about Shield to leave his house that day.

The day it all went to hell.

She was too proud of her plan, something Techno would've told her off for as it made her much like the king.

She was so sure she'd win, and while, "Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and
then seek to win." She hadn't won, she only thought thought she did, so she was dead when she stepped foot on the battlefield.

Techno was horrified at the info the Twins were relaying back to him. What happened on that battlefield the day before.

Mace had followed though with her plan.

The king and his guards would have to go through a canyon to get to the Blaze Kingdom. And Mace set her trap at the end of it. It opened up a bit at the end, and one side of the canyons edge became more of a slope at her end. So that's where her army was.

Out of sight of the King. Until her trap would spring.

Spark's army was in dead center of it all. He was standing at the opening. He was not hidden, at Mace's request. He practically blocked their exit. He could be seen.

Techno wouldn't have let his army sit there if it was his choice. Spark was a sitting duck if anything went wrong.

Scythe's army was more hidden. He was next to spark, on his other side. And was slightly hidden from view.

The King was traveling through the canyon when Pike told Scythe some key information:

"What do you want."

"Sorry to bother you but uh, uh. Spark wanted me to tell you something."

"Spit it out."

"Spark says that he thinks Mace should watch out for back stabbers."

Scythe knew what this meant. Spark was asking if he wanted to join him in betraying Mace.

"Tell him that I think that she really, really should."

"Uh, I think that's self explanatory-"

"Did I ask for your opinion?"


Techno was told of this exchange. That alone would make it so Mace couldn't win.

Techno knew that Spark being out in the open would be a problem.

The king saw them and, being himself, immediately had his troops start shooting.

It was unfortunate that they were so good with long range.

Mace saw that Sparks army was in direct line of fire, so as soon as her moment of shock wore off, she charged in front of Sparks army.

Which made her the target of the King's army.

Spark didn't want to deal with her idiocy. And neither did Scythe.

"SO YOU LEFT HER?!?" Techno hurt his throat with that yell.

"Yeah." Scythe said, shrugging.

"I can't believe you... Actually, yes I can."

"If I heard correctly, they were torn to shreds." Spark said.

"That's hilarious." Scythe responded.

"No it isn't, she might be dead!" Techno continued to yell.

"Oh relax, she just took a bolt to the shoulder, and was imprisoned."

"... How long's her sentence?"


"How long will she be stuck in prison?" Techno rephrased.

"I don't know, three years? Four?" Scythe looked to Spark for confirmation.

"Something like that."

"Shield wasn't in that battle was she?"

"The pipsqueak?" Spark asked. "Nah, according to Pike, who was there for the full battle, she wasn't. She'd reached the Blaze Kingdom by then."

Techno's never been so relieved.

"So what happened to everyone?"

"Everyone who isn't dead is back at the bastion. I don't think there's going to be another attack on the King for a few years."

So that was the end. The end of everything. The end of Techno's trips to the Nether. The end of the use of that meeting room. The end of a battle that was nothing short of a blood bath. The end of Techno training. The end of Techno seeing other people frequently. No longer seeing friends.

Techno wanted that King dead. He wanted his blood on the walls of his own chambers. But this battle didn't deliver.

If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.

The King's years were numbered.


Kudos to my Dad who helped me with the battle scenario. He's very good with battle things so I basically went to him and said, how do I make the good guys lose? And we mapped it all out.

This one was depressing, I know. But it was another thing where I was planning this thing since I introduced this plotline. So I've been planning to make you cry for a while now.


That's the finale of the nether battle arc. I really hope my descriptions were good.
Also, sorry if there are any typos.

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