Chapter One

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"Come on Arthur, you can do better than that!" I exclaimed as I attacked again. My gaze traveled over to where Merlin sat as she watched us spar, her golden eyes shining in the sun.

"You're really pushing me hard Ashe. Thank you for that, for acknowledging me as someone worth fighting and helping. One day, I swear that that I'll show you that everything you're doing to help me was worth it." Arthur smiled as perspiration dripped down his face.

"The only person you need to prove anything to is yourself Arthur. You'll never make it anywhere if you seek approval from others." I advised, repeating the words someone had told me a while ago.

We took a break and as I drank my water, I made my way over to Merlin.

"When do we leave for Liones?" I asked as I lay on the ground leaning on my elbows while Merlin floated slightly higher reading through a book.

"Soon." Nodding, I sighed and she went to take a bath, wanting to get out of the clothes I'd worn while training.





Merlin and I were stood on either side of Arthur as we waited for the Grandmasters of Liones to open the heavy gates and allow us entry. I fidgeted slightly under the cloak that covered my head but went still again once I saw a man with short silver hair flanked by two holy knights on either side of him.

He introduced himself as Hendrickson.

."I understand that you are a king from a nation to our South, but showing up here without sending an emissary in advance is somewhat discourteous, wouldn't you say?" The man spoke, and I felt a feeling of dislike creep into me as I mentally noted his tone and way of speaking which made him seem- and possibly feel- superior.

Arthur didn't hesitate to introduce himself, going on to explain that he wanted to express his gratitude to Liones after the king had helped him out in the past.

"Right, leading an army? "Hendrickson scoffed.

"I thought I wouldn't be granted and audience unless I did so." Arthur quickly replied.

Merlin snapped her fingers and the entire army behind us disappeared. I couldn't help but smirk at the surprise and shock on one of the Holy Knights as he watched in awe. Hendrickson's eyes narrowed slightly, but he smiled nonetheless and spoke again.

"Well, I see that we've been taken in. However, I regret to inform you that the king has suddenly fallen ill and is currently bedridden. I ask you to turn back today." Hendrickson's voice remained steady, though I couldn't help but feel as though we weren't being told the full truth.

Arthur tried again, and I could only narrow my eyes when Hendrickson declined even though Arthur made it clear that Merlin could heal the king of whatever ailment he was suffering from.

When Arthur took off his helmet, a smile made its way to my face. I loved how despite seeming so young, he was already an amazing king; if he kept going, he'd go down as one of the best King's Camelot has seen.

As Arthur spoke I decided to do something useful and so I sent small bursts of mana through the ground, causing me to have a better inkling of what was going on in the capital. My eyes could only widen as I looked closer at Hendrickson.

If he was a demon I would've sensed it, but the only other part I could sense from the strong aura of the druids only... it felt suppressed, as though something dark had entered him and its effects remained.

He was tainted.

The menacing grin on Hendrickson's face didn't fade away as he allowed us entry, urging us to follow him.

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