Bonus Chapter 6

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I didn't understand why it had happened.

Creede was a sobbing mess next to me after father had managed to calm his sudden attack and clung to me like a snake.

I was numb.

Mixed feelings and thoughts rushed through me all at once but I only felt them go by. None of them lingered. None of them stayed to make me feel.

I blinked a few times at the room we were in.

The bed had been done. No traces of her having slept in it. The wardrobe was empty. No traces of her clothes ever having been in it. The vanity and desk were clear. No traces of her having ever used them.

I could list all the things that had lost any trace of my mothers presence and would still manage to find more.

Why had she left?

After I finally thought we were getting somewhere. Finally thought she would smile at me and actually mean it. I finally felt like she was so close to loving me even a fraction of how much I loved her.

Like every time I'd give her my blood despite the sharp sting of the needle and heavily uncomfortable feeling in my arm after she took so much. Her lips would quirk up slightly. I knew that all it would take was a few more days. A few more litres and she'd smile at me. With love. With actual happiness.

I knew that I didn't make my mother happy. So did Creede,but as much as I hated myself for it, I'd grown used to convincing him otherwise. I'd grown used to manipulating my little brother so he felt that she did love him but just struggled to show it the way she showed her love for her various experiments.

It was difficult. Growing up with a mother who always treated you like you were a nuisance; the bane of her existence.

Whenever Father would notice, he would immediately do his best to divert our attention. To make us feel better. But only when. Much like me, he too had once loved my mother unconditionally and was willing to do anything to get her to reciprocate the affection.

The day he let us know about his mistress- her name was Lilia- I didn't hate him for no longer loving our mother.

I'd never admit it, but I envied him.

I burned with envy at the fact that he actually managed to get away. Creede and I were trapped in her sharp talons and had no escape.

Happy for him, yes, but I desperately wished he could free us the way Lilia freed him.

When we met the woman, I was instantly stuck to her side.

She'd smile at me, and they were real smiles. Whenever I'd look into her golden eyes, all I'd see would be adoration and unbroken promises for a better future.

She was perfect.

I hated it.

I loved her but despised the fact that she wasn't my actual mother. That those looks would never come from the woman who carried and conceived me.

I loved her.

But a part of me still loved my mother. Still sought out her approval.

Her leaving was the last straw. As the emotions rushed past me, one stuck out the most. It didn't stay, but as it would keep running past me, it would linger. It would hover.

Wrath. Anger. Hate.

I hated her. I hated my mother. Did that make me a bad daughter? Would Lilia hate me too?

The emotions went by but the questions lingered. The questions plagued my mind. Cursed my heart.

I wanted to kill her. I wanted her to suffer for what she'd put me and Creede through.

Was I evil for wanting that? For wanting my own mother to disappear...forever?

Doubt laced my mind as my fingers ran through Creede's hair.

What if it made Lilia hate me? Or if my father decided to banish me? What if I never saw Creede ever again?

A lone tear ran down my cheek.

I cried. Not for my mother or for myself. I cried for my brother; for my father; for Lilia. What did they do to deserve someone so...evil? Someone who would consider killing her own mother?

I wept for them and as I went outside, leaving a sleeping Creede in my bedroom tucked into my bed, the sky wept with me.

I remained dry and immediately knew that I was so disgusting and immoral, even the rain wanted nothing to do with me.

Looking up, I was surprised to find that it was Lilia who'd protected me from the pouring rain.

She hugged me. She hugged me and kissed my forehead, quietly promising that I would be okay and anything I was feeling was absolutely okay.

I broke down even more, clinging to her as she wrapped her arms around me tightly, silently promising that she'd never let me go. She'd never leave.

She felt like home.


A/N: currently working on chapter guys know the drill don't expect anything so you won't be disappointed 😭😭

This chapter wasn't rlly about Meliodas and Ashe but it's what I felt like writing and I'm definitely gonna come back to this when I edit the whole book to make it more emotional please make do with a rough first draft until then.

If you have anything you want for another bonus chapter, comment or message me and and I'll see what I can do xx.

Jā na.

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