Chapter Twelve

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Creede shrugged as he placed the journal on my side table, took a blanket from my wardrobe and slept on the edge of my bed.

I had to fight the temptation to kick him off again as I closed my eyes and fell asleep, my dream being filled with jade forests.


I dreamt that I was running through a forest, being chased by someone- or something- that I didn't know.

I'd try to turn and see, but it was as though my head was stuck in place as an unidentified presence kept me running.

The sunlight slightly burnt me which wasn't normal considering those myths and legends about demons and vampires being hurt by sunlight were absolute lies.

There was a warm presence but rather than the expected comfort, I felt a deep sense of dread instead.

"Stay away." A voice warned.

At first the voice sounded masculine but as I tried to put a name to it, it distorted, becoming an eerie mix of a feminine voice too.

When I'd settle and familiarise it as a female, it would distort and vice versa.

"Who are you?" I tried to ask, but the words froze at the top of my tongue.

All I could do was run.

'Keep running.' Another voice spoke. This time, rather than it being all around me like the cold warmth, it came from within my mind.

It was a softer, now gently voice. Motherly even.

'Don't stop running.' It repeated.

Questions flooded my mind but there was no way to get them out. No way to escape from the emerald forest that pulled me into its tantalising trap yet pushed me out as though I was a predator.

"Please." Was all I could get out as I fell and kept falling.




I hit the floor with a crash as Creede laughed.

"What the hell?" I asked, my voice laced with sleep.

"Your friends aren't here so I'm taking you to meet the Commandments." He said to me. "Now hurry up and get ready."

He left the room and went downstairs, probably to raid the pantry. I took that chance to refresh myself and get dressed.

Half an hour later, I was wearing a black tank top and shorts, the boots Elizabeth got me, my daggers strapped to my thighs and my hair in a ponytail.

Suddenly, the door was opened and Creede came into the room, chugging some alcohol.

"This stuff is... amazing!" He exclaimed as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. I ignored him, proceeding to leave the room.

I was wrapped in warmth as Creede threw a cloak at me, his eyes narrowed as he silently gave me an option 'change or wear the cloak- no taking it off.'

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