Chapter Nine

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A gasp made us pull apart as we hadn't realised that Elizabeth had opened the door and seen us. Tears trailed down her flawless cheeks as she ran out.

A guilty expression adorned Meliodas' face which made me regret kissing him back. I leaned in to his ear, my fists clenched by my sides and said to him "that's why."


(Side note: I'm changing the papers Lilia gave her to a journal instead)

Meliodas looked into my eyes for a few seconds before turning on his heels and going after Elizabeth.

He turned his back on me and followed her instead.

Sighing, I went to my bed where there was still a blood stain from my 'failed suicide' as Ban described it, and took the journal that was there.

I made sure my dagger holsters were attached to my thighs and carefully placed both daggers in their respective places.

Taking a deep, calming breath that was pointless considering I was still painfully nervous of what was going to happen, I made my way downstairs.

Elizabeth was crying in Diane's arms and said mini giantess was glaring at Meliodas who was sipping at a mug of ale.

"What did you do do her Captain? She said she was going to check on you and Ashe, then next thing you know she came downstairs crying." Diane accused.

"Nothing, Diane." Meliodas briefly replied.

Ban and King were watching everything go down and Gowther was beside me.

"I swear to everything both holy and unholy Gowther if you try picking through our memories-" I started, but it was too late.

"Elizabeth walked in on the Captain and Lady Ashe kissing." He summarised.

King spat out his drink, Ban shrugged as though he knew it'd happen and Diane glared at me instead.

Where was Merlin when I needed her?

But then again while Merlin and I were friends, she had a history with Elizabeth and might have just stayed to the side and watched.

"How could you, you're Captain's friend and you know that Elizabeth has feelings for him!" Diane exclaimed.

"Oh I'm sorry, you wanted me to ignore myself and focus on someone I've known for two minutes instead?" I snapped.

Why was Meliodas staying silent? He was just as involved in this as I was.

"What, so you're Captain's friend yet you have feelings for him?" The giantess asked.

"Diane, sweetheart, when did I say anything about being Meliodas' friend? 'Cause I've been in the friend zone love, and it's not a fun place to be, so I wouldn't be forcing myself into it now, would I?" I lifted a brow as I crossed my arms and kept my eyes trained on them.

"I don't care! You made Elizabeth cry and that's not okay!" She closed her eyes in frustration.

"Are you guys gonna say what's on your mind or are you just gonna watch?" I asked the other three onlookers.

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