Real family

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(Y/n)'s POV

I take a meat pie from the oven while I was humming the same lullaby that Luda May always hums. Jedidiah was running around the living room while letting Romeo chase him. They seemed to have fun which made me happy. I was so proud of him when he started to walk on his own. He was already a big boy! But Hoyt didn't like it that much since he was bothering him all the time. I can't believe that it has been already a year since I came here!

I look over to the playing boys to see that Jedidiah was trying to take Miss Pop in his arms. "Jedidiah, let her rest." I say to him which makes him turn to look at me. "Sorry auntie!" He said while he petted her fur. She just closes her eyes and just enjoys the pets she gets from the boy. Hoyt just looks at them and just rolls his eyes. "I can't believe that everyone likes that white rat." He says under his breath but I ignore it. Monty in the other hand just let out a little chuckle while he was petting his dog.

I shake my head and get them both a beer from the fridge. Monty seems to be over joyed that I treated them without them asking while Hoyt just snatches the beer from my hand. "You should bring these faster next time." He snaps which makes me only roll my eyes. Guess he woke up from the wrong side of the bed. "Whatever." I say to him and go back to the kitchen. He was a brick but he was family.

I look outside to see that Thomas was keeping an eye on Roger who was helping Luda May in the garden. He chose life and became a part of the family. Sure, he was stressed all the time but it was good to have doctor around the house. He came handy many times because of the injuries Thomas got from the other victims. He was a valuable part of the family and I think he slowly turned to accept the family as his own.

There was crying in the upstairs which makes me react immediately. "Can you two watch Jedidiah for a moment? Thank you!" I leave before they can say anything else as I run upstairs. When I walk to the bedroom, the crying stops and baby's happy giggle. "Hello darling!" I say happily and lift my happy little daughter in my arms. Our sweet little Hayley! She giggles happily again and I just sit down to the bed so I can feed her.

She's only a month old and I was happy that we got her. Roger was a huge help during the delivery but I guess Luda May was right about my hips since I didn't have any complications during the birth. Thomas was shocked when he first saw his daughter but I think he cried more than me. Hoyt was happy about the pregnancy but not that much after the fact that he found out that it was a girl because they don't have any use. Thankfully Thomas shot that behavior down immediately.

I hear footsteps approach the room which made me turn to look at the open door. Thomas comes to the room to see that the both of us were here which made him happy. He hums happily as he walks over and sits next to me. "I swear you have a sixth sense because you know every time that something is going on with her!" I say as a joke which made him nod happily. I guess he was proud to be a father. But who wouldn't want to be a father to this little girl?

Thomas puts his hand on my shoulder while he presses his head over my shoulder while he rest his head against mine. He was just so cute! "I know you want to help all the time but you have to leave some things to me too! You're going to spoil her rotten!" He shakes his head before he pets our little one's head. "She's going to love you more than me that's for sure." Thomas looks at me with little worried eyes but I just smile. "But just because you're amazing father."

Thomas smile and gives my kiss a cheek. "But I think our next baby is going to love me more~." I say to him playfully which he seems to get a laugh from him. When Hayley was done eating I give her to him while I make myself more modest again. Thomas burbs Hayley and after that he just keeps her in his arms. Hayley just adores her dad which I do too. Thomas gives her forehead a kiss before he got up and started to rock her to sleep.

I smile at them and just lay back down. I hear him hum with his deep voice a lullaby which he probably came up himself. He was just so creative that it made my heart swell up even more. "Thomas, we're the luckiest family in this earth." I turn my head to look at him to see that he was looking at me with loving eyes that made me fall in love with him even more . These were the moments which I know that I made the right decision in this life. Now I had my own perfect beautiful family!

A/n Note!

Hi everyone!

This was the first story that I wrote to the end. I'm so happy that you enjoyed this fanfic and read this with me to the end. It makes me so happy that you enjoyed your stay here. I have been thinking about other fanfic but don't worry. I'll be working with Thomas soon again!

Thank you so so much!

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