Chapter 18

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Thomas' POV

Uncle Charlie was first mad at me from because I got caught but after momma gave him an earful he dropped the subject. "I can't believe that you got caught that easily! What's the matter with you boy?" He yells at me while I was sitting on the front seat of the car. I shake my head and growl at him. He was getting annoying to me. It was a good thing that I got caught. I got to chance to spend some time with (Y/n) before she went to Henrietta and Kathy's house.

"You have gotten soft boy! You should show her who's in charge! She'll keep you like a lapdog!" He snarls at me and I growl back at him. She wasn't like that! She understood the way I am and she was always respectful to me, momma, Uncle Monty and Baby Jedidiah. I understood that she didn't have that much respect towards him because he was mean to her. "Listen, you should already consider babies. She's all clear now." He suddenly says which caught my attention.

"Women don't know when they want it. You should just take them." He says and I tilt my head. That wasn't something that (Y/n) told me. I was confused because Uncle Charlie said one thing and (Y/n) says another. I was believing (Y/n) little more since we were equal but Uncle Charlie was much older than her but maybe I should talk with momma first. Both momma and (Y/n) want to talk with me today and I was little flattered that they wanted to speak with me.

"I tell you that I'm goin' to be disappointed if your first is a girl. We need strong men like yourself around the house and no more people like she is." He says and I feel angry at him. I don't think that (Y/n) is that much different than momma and I'm sure if I would ever have a daughter, she would be as lovely as her mother. "But I guess that more helping hands around the house would be good too." He adds and I nod sharply. He was mean today and I didn't like it at all.

We get back home and I quickly get out of the car. "Tommy wait!" Uncle Charlie yells after me and I immediately stop in my tracks. I turn to look at him and see that he had crossed his arms across his chest. "Don't just listen to every word she says. You are the man! She can't just push you around like you were her pet!" He suddenly yells at me which caught me off guard. He has told me this already! Does he think that I'm stupid? I growl at him angrily so he would stop. I trust my wife!

"Don't you growl at me boy! I raised you and don't you dare to bite the hand that feeds you!" He yells at me again and I just turn around and start walking towards the house. "Don't you turn your back to me!" He screams after me but I only walk forward. I wasn't going to stay here and listen to him talk about same things over and over again. I wasn't that stupid that I would forget everything he has told me. But I was going to do what I think was the best for her and I.

I walk in the house and look at Uncle Monty who was looking at the TV while Jedidiah was playing on the floor. Uncle Monty turned to look at me and gives me a quick nod before his attention goes back on the screen. I look at Jedidiah who was only staring at me. It was showing that I really didn't spend too much time with him. But he loved to play (Y/n) and I knew that she loved to spend some time with him too.

"What has gotten into you boy?!" Uncle Charlie yells from the front door but I ignore him. I usually didn't do that but I just couldn't listen him right now. Jedidiah seems to be alarmed from the yelling and he starts to cry. I only could look at him. I don't know how to comfort a little baby and most of the time I only scare him. "Shut up boy!" Uncle Charlie screams at him which made him only cry louder. "He's goin' to give me a headache! Tommy take him upstairs before I throw him outside!" He yells at me.

I walk over to him and lift him up. He tries to get away but I hold him little tighter so he wouldn't wiggle out of my gasp. I quickly walk upstairs and to momma's room. His bed was there so he could stay there until momma comes back. He stops crying sooner or later. I felt horrible because I didn't know how I could comfort him. (Y/n) and momma was much better at that than me. When I leave, Jedidiah was crying even louder than before.

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