Chapter 19

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(Y/n)'s POV

The stare Hoyt was giving me was making me scared to death. Thomas was standing right behind me which calmed me down. "Are you fuckin' serious?" Hoyt asked sharply from me which made me jump little. He was scary like this. "You want to go to the city and you think that we'll let you go just like that?!" He yells at me and Thomas pulls me closer to himself. "And you want to take him with you?!" His scream makes us both jump.

"Do you think that we are stupid? That he's stupid?" He says as I try to stand up straight even when I was scared shitless. "Yes. That is exactly what I wanted to do." I answer honestly, hoping that he wouldn't lose his mind from that. He takes his hat and slams it on the counter. "No! You won't leave this little town or the state or else I'm goin' to blow your brains out right where you stand!" I feel Thomas wrap his hands around me as he lets out little whines.

"Listen Hoyt." I say calmly to him which seems to get him off guard. I take a deep breath in and look at my hands. "I just wanted to get few things back before anyone notices that I'm missing. They mean a lot to me and I would like to get them back. They are the only things that my dad left me when he died." I feel tears form in my eyes. I didn't want to seem weak to him but I couldn't help it. I desperately wanted those things back and if I had to get on my knees and beg it from him I was going to do that.

Few tears escape my eyes as I stand there and I hear Hoyt sigh out loudly. Thomas lifts his other hand on my head and gives me few gentle pats. He presses his cheek on my left temple and whines silently to me as to comfort me. "God dammit..." I hear Hoyt whisper as he walks around the living room with his hands on top of his head. He turns to look at me and then snarls. "Mmm fine! But I'M goin' with you. There is no way in hell I'm goin' to let him look after you when he's like that! He stays here! And I'll be right by your side there and you won't speak to anyone." He snaps and I nod at his words.

I turn to look at Thomas who had a confused look in his eyes. "W-why can't he come with us?" I ask from him. I didn't want to be alone with only Hoyt for several days. "Look at him! He'll get more attention than a screamin' baby. Besides, he needs to watch over momma and Uncle Monty while I'm gone with you." He snaps and I see that Thomas looks at me little sadly. He gives me a little nod of agreement. I didn't want to agree but maybe Hoyt was right.

"Either I come with you or you won't go anywhere." He says as he crosses his arms over his chest. I nod slowly. "Okay. Thank you Uncle Hoyt." I say to him which seems to get him off guard. He stands up straight and nods with a smile. He seems to be... happy? "We'll leave tomorrow before sunrise so spend some time with Tommy since he won't see you in a couple of days." He says to him but then he walks out of the room probably to get a beer.

I turn around to face Thomas. He had this sad look in his eyes. I give him a little smile and lift my other hand on his cheek. "Don't worry. I'll be back before you know it. And maybe I could get you something you would like?" He shakes his head quickly and lifts my other hand towards his face. He gives my hand a little kiss which made me smile widely. "Is there something you would like to do before I leave? We have this day." I say to him and I see his eyes wide up.

He starts to lead me outside. He seemed to be excited for something. "Where are we going?" I ask from him with a little laughter. He only sends me another smile and just continued his journey towards the woods. I couldn't help but to laugh at his excitement. He leads me to an opening in the forest. He stops and I could see that there were so many beautiful flowers there. It was so pretty! "Wow..." I whisper and look around the opening. This was something I missed when I lived in the city.

I turn back to Thomas who hand a skinning knife with him. He cuts off a wild rose with it and walks over to me. He moves some of my hair behind my ear and puts the rose there. I look at him and in this moment, he was the most handsome man I have ever seen. He gives me a little smile and gives my forehead a little kiss. "Thomas Brown Hewitt..." I say to him which seems to get his attention. He had a little panicked look in his eyes, like a kid would have if they are in trouble. "I love you." I say to him with a smile.

Everything happens for a reason. Leatherface x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now