Chapter 25

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Warning! Sexual content!

(Y/n)'s POV

The familiar sighs of Texas were the only things we see. I was getting happier by every second we were driving closer back home. I look around the fields that were surrounding the road. "Are you goin' to meet Tommy as soon as we get back?" I turn to look at him with a wide smile on my face and nod quickly. Hoyt chuckles at me and nods. "Are you goin' to give him those gifts you bought." Hoyt asked with little amused in his voice.

I bought Thomas some skin creams that could help with his disease and some sweets that he would like. But the best thing I got him was my dad's ring which was in my skirts pocket. I also bought Luda May some good cigarettes which my friends used to smoke and both of the older men a good bottles of whisky. I also got Jedidiah a cute elephant toy which he could have. Hoyt seemed to be happy enough with his gift so I think that everyone else would love the gifts I got them.

Hoyt turned to the road that was leading to the house. I was getting excited once again when I saw the house. Hoyt chuckles at my excitement. When we stop at the house I could see that Luda May and Monty were sitting on the front porch. Jedidiah was sitting on Luda May's lap but she got up when they saw us. I jump out of the car with a smile and run over to them to give them a tight hug. "How are you?" I was overly happy to see them again.

"We're good darlin'! Did you have a great trip?" I nod at her but start to look around. "Where's Tommy?" I ask curiously. They get a little nervous look on their faces which made me worried. Did something happen to him? I was getting more nervous that I wouldn't see my lovely husband. "Is everything okay with him?" Luda May and Monty send each other a nervous looks before Luda May turns to look at me again.

"He's fine. Just... little upset." I look towards the front door with confusion filling my head. "Why is he upset?" I turn to look at them again. Luda May sighs deeply and sends me a sad look. "He saw one of those shows where you were. You said that you loved some other boy and he got jealous of that." I shift my gaze on the floor. I felt bad for Thomas. It must hurt a lot to hear your partner says those words to someone else.

"Where's he?" I lift my gaze back on Luda May. She hesitantly points at the door. "The basement." I nod at her words and walk inside. I wanted to see him and I wasn't going to wait for him to get back up. I walk over to the metal door and push it open slowly. It was so heavy but when I put all of my strength to open it, it moved enough for me to get in. The scent of death was once again hitting my nose which I didn't like.

I slowly walk down the stairs where I could hear that Thomas was doing something. I slowly peak from the corner to see that he was cutting some meat. He seemed to be in his own world so I don't think it's a good idea to interrupt him just yet. I sit on the end of the stairs and just wait. It was always amazing to look at someone that was as hard working as he was. He should get more praise in his work.

Soon he finally stopped and packed the final piece of meat and put it in the freezer. He turned to look at me and stops when his eyes freeze on me. I send him a sweet smile while he tilts his head to the side. It seemed like he wasn't sure if he was really seeing me. "Hi Tommy! How are you?" He took a step forward but then stopped. His feelings seemed to be little twisted that he didn't know to do.

"I heard that you were hurt by my actions." He turned his gaze on to the floor with a little grunt. I get up from the floor and walk over to him. He was still just standing there when I reach him. I take his rough hands in mine. "I know that it's weird that I say those things to someone else but you have to understand that I only love you. And it's not an act." I lift his hands over to my face and press them against my cheeks.

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