Chapter 20

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(Y/n)'s POV

The day was just perfect at the end. The sun was shining warmly while Jedidiah and I were outside. The boy was playing with Romeo. He was throwing a ball and Romeo ran out to fetch it for the little boy. This seemed to be the funniest thing Jedidiah has ever seen. I giggle every once in a while at his reactions. He made me feel something different. What would it like to be a mom?

I hear heavy footsteps approach us. I feel a bigger smile form on my lips because I know exactly who it was. "Hi Tommy! Did you finish your chores already?" I turn to look at Thomas who was helping Hoyt earlier. He nods and sits down next to me to watch Jedidiah. I lean my head against his shoulder. He wraps his arm around me and starts to rub my shoulder. "He's so cute." He nods at my words as Jedidiah throws the ball again.

Thomas' hand travels from my shoulder to my stomach. I turn to look at him as he had this almost begging look in his eyes. He seemed to really want to have a baby with me. I still wasn't that comfortable about the idea but after my trip back home, things may be different. But I could entertain his though about that idea. "Which one would you like to have? A boy or a girl." His eyes widen at my question and a wide smile forms on his lips.

To my surprise he points at me. I feel a smile form on my lips and I give him a little peck on his masked cheek. "I would like to have a little girl with you." He seems to be happy because of my words. He nods quickly and presses his face against my neck. I feel a little blush form on my cheeks from the attention. I loved it! "I love you Thomas Hewitt." I whisper to him and he nods at my words with a smile.

I turn my attention back on Jedidiah, who was now petting Romeo's head. I smile at him and turn to look at Thomas, who was looking at the little boy. "He's so cute." He nods in agreement and lays down on the ground. I turn my attention on him as he lets out a deep breath and stretches his back. He might be tired from his work. "Are you hungry?" He shakes his head and puts his hands behind his head.

I smile at him and decide to stay here with both of them. After a while I hear Hoyt yell for Thomas but he doesn't move a muscle. I turn to look at him only to see that he was fast asleep on the ground. I slowly get up and walk towards the porch where Hoyt was screaming for him. "Thomas! Come here you fat bastard!" He stops when he notices me and sends me a glare. I keep my ground and cross my arms over my chest.

"Where's my nephew?!" He yells at me but I keep myself calm. "He's taking a nap with Jedidiah. What do you need him for?" Hoyt huffs and starts to make his way to where Thomas was napping. I step in front of him and send him a glare. "What do you need him for?" I ask again from him which makes him huff. "Why do you care?" He asks from me with venom dripping from his voice. I huff at him and stand my ground.

"Because he's my husband." He rolls his eyes and puts his hand on my shoulder so he can push me aside. I gasp little loudly and wrap my hand around his wrist so I wouldn't fall. "Let go of me." He snaps at me. I make sure to get good footing and then let go off him. "You don't need to push me around." I snap at him which makes him snarl at me. "You were on my way missy." He walks towards the side yard and I follow him.

"Leave him be! He's tired." I snap at him but he stops when he sees Thomas laying on the ground with Jedidiah studying the bigger man curiously from next to him. "Tommy get the fuck up!" Hoyt screams which makes Thomas sit up straight. He turns to look at Hoyt with wide eyes, clearly little shocked and embarrassed because he got caught. He turns to look at me which makes me walk over to him.

I stand next to him and cross my arms over my chest. "Leave him alone! He deserves to rest for a while! What have you done during this day, huh? Other than drinking?" Hoyt sends me a nasty glare. He points at me angrily and snarls at me. "Leave it missy. I'm talkin' to him not to you!" Thomas gets up and steps between us as to break the fight. He snarls at Hoyt who gets even more upset than before. "Don't you snarl at me boy!" Thomas shakes his head at his uncle.

Everything happens for a reason. Leatherface x ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu