Chapter 26

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(Y/n)'s POV

A slight breeze makes me shiver from it. I open my eyes to see the cold basement but to my surprise there was Thomas too. He was stitching up something on the work bench which got me curious. I sit up from the old mattress and stretch my arms. I see that he turns to look at me as the blanket that was on me moved away from hiding my modesty. "Morning Tommy!" I smile at him but he just stares at me before he goes back to his thing.

I felt little bad but I understood why he was acting this way. I get up from the mattress, feeling little sore between my legs. I walk over to him but I knew that he was looking at me like a hawk even if he wasn't showing it. I reach him and wrap my arms around his shoulders. "My lovely husband." I whisper to him and nuzzle against his neck. I hear a soft chuckle escape his lips as he pulls me to his lap.

I nuzzle against his powerful form and give his neck few kisses. "You're the most handsome man I have ever met, you know that right. My only love." I lift his big-scarred hand to my chest where he could feel my heartbeat. He presses his hand harder on my chest. His eyes move to my eyes where I could still see some hurt in them, like he wasn't sure if I told him the truth. He was afraid of my lies that I could make.

"I really do love you Thomas Brown Hewitt." I whisper to him and give his lips a little kiss. A smile forms on his lips but I turn to look at my skirt that was still on the floor. "In fact, I have something for you." I get up from his lap and walk over to my skirt. I take the ring from its pocket and walk back over to Thomas. He seemed to be curious when I take his left hand and remove the ring he had in his ring finger.

He looks at me with confusion written on his face as I smile at him. " I don't want you to wear this ring anymore." He seemed to be little hurt at my words but his face changes when he sees my dad's ring. "This was my father's. It has been in my family for generations for now and I want you to have it. As my husband, it's your right to have it. It's a symbol of love to you from me." He tears up because of my words.

I replace the ring with my father's which makes Thomas look at the ring. He lifts his teary eyes on me and I can't help but to smile at him. "I love you." I whisper to him which makes him nod. He wraps his hand around me and presses his head over mine. "I should get dressed before someone comes down here. To hide someone that's just between you and I." I hear him chuckle at my words but then he reaches for something.

He takes his own shirt which was way too big for me. "Thank you! You're such a gentle man!" I kiss his masked cheek. He gives me a tight one-armed hug and then continues what he was doing before. I look at his work only to see a new mask that he was making. It was almost surreal to look at it but it was something he just did. "Wow, I have never seen something like that before." I tilt my head as I look at it.

Thomas takes my hand and brings it to the mask. He presses my fingers against the skin. It was cold and felt different than a normal face. It send shivers down my spine which seems to het Thomas' attention. He pats my back gently which makes me turn to look at him. He gives me an apologetic look. "Don't be sorry! I wanted to touch it too!" I give him a little hug which lifts his mood.

"I still got different presents for you! If you want to have a look, just follow me upstairs." Thomas seems to get more curious than before. I get up from his lap and pick up my clothes. When I was bend down I feel his fingers brush against my lower lips as I was putting my panties on. This makes me yelp and turn to look at him with a deep blush on his face. He sends me a big smirk which get's a laugh out of me. "You little tease!"

Thomas pats my head gently before he starts to walk away towards the stairs. I run after him while giggling little. "Can we do that again this night? I guess we need to secure it, don't you think?" I slightly nudge his arm. This makes him chuckle and he gives me a quick nod. I could see a little blush form on his cheeks from the eyeholes in his mask. It felt good to have that reaction come out of him.

Everything happens for a reason. Leatherface x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant