Chapter 2

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(Y/n)'s POV

I start to wake up from sharp pain all over my body. I keep my eyes closed but I can hear Romeo barking in the back and I hear Tim's whimpering next to me. I slowly open my eyes and first thing I can see is the steering wheel. I lift my head, but I can feel sharp pain in my neck which causes me to let out little cry. I see my car's front destroyed. I lift my hands and see blood all over them. I start to panic and I turn my head to look at Tim. He looks at me with terror in his eyes but I feel anger start boiling inside of me.

"W-why the hell did you take the wheel? You could have killed us!" I yell at him while trying not to move so much. He just looks at me and shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know. It doesn't matter anymore." I send him an angry glare. "We found Hoyt." He says and I turn to look at the towing car. "Wherever we're going I'm going to have help first." He says with venom in his voice. I try to sit up better but then scream because I feel awful pain on my leg. I look at my right leg and see that my ankle was twisted and there was a huge wound on my shin which was bleeding. Tears fill my eyes as I look at the blood ooze out of the wound and I start to cry because of the pain.

"Shut the fuck up woman." Tim says angrily. He wasn't that hurt, but I can see that his face was bleeding and he held his other arm. "I'm going to die!" I cry out, hearing my heart beat louder and louder. Tim looks at me coldly and then looks back ahead. "Good. You wanted to be free." He says calmly I feel sick to my stomach. I look behind me to look at my pets. Romeo seemed to be okay, but I couldn't see Miss Pop. I turned my head ahead and saw a big old house. Tim looked around the yard then he snarled. "Where are we?" We stopped by the house. The driver of the towing car turns his car off and walks outside. I can see huge man exiting the other side and he walks inside of the house.

The driver comes to my side of the car and looks at me. Thank God he was a sheriff. "Hello there missy. Did you have your beauty sleep?" He says and I look at him with teary eyes. "Please mister. Help us." He nods slowly while looking at the car. He leans against the car and spits on the ground. "You look like you need help? How can you repay me?" I look at him stunned. What did he mean by that?

"I-I have money in my wallet. You can have it!" I say with desperation in my voice. "Give me your wallet." He says calmly while he extends his arm toward me. I reach for my pocket and hiss at the pain. I take my wallet and give it to him. "He looks through it and then stops. "Why do you have this much money missy? Is it stolen?" I feel my heart stop and I start to panic. "No, sir! That money is mine!" He looks at me with suspicion in his eyes. " I need to interrogate you about that."

I look at his name tag and my heart stops. "Hoyt..." I say and then I take a look at his face. This isn't the real sheriff Hoyt. He looks at me with a sharp look. "Yeah?" He asked and I feel tears fill my eyes again. "Y-you are not sheriff H-Hoyt." I say to him. He looks at me with an evil smirk. "How so missy?" He asks and I turn my gaze to my lap. "Sheriff H-Hoyt is my dad's cousin. You are not h-h-him." I say, fear making my voice sound shaky. My tears start to drip from my eyes to my lap. Tim turns to us with horror in his eyes. "What are you saying woman?" He asks with fear in his voice and takes a second look at the sheriff. He laughs little and then opens the door.

"You need to get out of the car." He says. I close my eyes and take in a deep breath. "Mister, I can't get up." He takes hold on my shoulder and yanks me out of the car. I scream in pain as he holds me up and forces some of my weight on my injured leg. He lets go and I fall to the hard ground. He smiles at me and squats down to look at my leg. "Well that is a nasty thing. That's goin' to leave a mark." He says and he takes a hold of my ankle. He twists it to the wrong way and pain shots through my body. I scream in pain and feel like I'm going to pass out. "I am sheriff Hoyt to you missy." He says angrily and then he releases my leg after giving it another twist. His eyes traveled up and down on my body but then stops to look at my lower stomach.

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