Chapter 4

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(Y/n)s POV

When I open my eyes, the darkness of the empty room was surrounding me. I start getting up but the throbbing pain in my head doesn't let me. I let out a silent cry as I flop back on the bed. I move my eyes, looking around the room and I was still all alone. This scared me because I didn't know what was happening outside of the room and I was getting worried about my pets and Tim. I still haven't heard anything from them. I start to think something bad happened to them when I heard heavy footsteps coming to my door. I feel f ear creeping down my spine and making my heart beat faster but when I hear Romeo's little barks, I relax little.

I look at the door as it opens quietly and a huge man was standing there. He was looking at Miss Pop, who was in his muscled arms. He wore old clothes, apron, tie and a mask which looked like a realistic face. Romeo was fallowing him but he looked more like a rat than a dog because of his short fur and the sight made me giggle little. The man shifted his gaze to me fast as he heard me giggle which made me to shut up instantly. He was staring at me as if I was the first person he had ever seen. I looked at him curiously and then I tilted my head.

"Hello. I guess my pets were with you all this time." I say, sending him a wide smile. He seemed to be little shy. He gives me a little nod, while Romeo comes to me waging his tail like he hadn't seen me in ages. I start cuddling him, relieved to see him after all this time. The man comes closer and puts Miss Pop on the other end of the bed. I turn to look at him and his eyes were looking at me up and down. My headache was going away when I was reunited with my pets and this interaction wasn't unpleasant but his stare made me little uncomfortable.

"Thank you so, so much. I'm sure my pets had a nice day with you." He looks at Romeo and Miss Pop, then nods slowly as he shifted his eyes back at me. I looked him over and he was huge man, but he didn't scare me as much as the sheriff. "Who are you?" I ask him and he looks around like he was trying to find the answer. Maybe he was little nervous talking to me? I look at him as he starts to take something out of his pocket. It was a paper and he offered it to me, still looking at the wall next to me. I take the paper and look it over noticing how familiar it looked but then I realized what it was. It was a letter that I wrote for Luda May's son, Thomas. I take a better look at the man, looking at his mask.

"Are you Thomas?" I ask him and he winced at my voice. He slowly turned to look at me and then nodded slowly. I offer my hand to him and he looks at it nervously. "Nice to meet you Thomas. I'm (Y/n), but you might know me already." I say to him smiling sweetly. He takes my hand and shakes it. His grip is strong and his hand feels rough but it felt nice. His presence almost was comforting and I knew already that I liked Thomas more than the sheriff. And he seemed to be sweet already.

He nodded, his eyes were glued at my hand. When he notices that I was looking at him and now he was just holding my hand, releases it and shifts his gaze to his feet. He was acting so cute and I couldn't help but smile at him. I sit up and start looking at my pets who were sleeping on the bed. They sure were exhausted and were sleeping like logs. I try to move in a more comfortable position but let out a cry because of my ankle. Thomas looks at me little confused and I wave my hand. "It's just my ankle. It hurts a little." I say and he suddenly leaves quickly from the room. I look after him, dumbfounded. Did I say something that he didn't like? I feel bad if I hurt his feelings.

I was going to sleep again but then I hear his loud footsteps coming back to the room. Then he comes through the door, holding a towel and bag of ice. He comes to my right side, putting down the items and taking a chair next to my bed. He sits down and lifts the cover from my leg, looking at the injuries. I look at him curiously as he takes the items again. He puts the towel on my ankle and then puts the ice on it. It hurts a little put then the cold relieves the pain. I sigh in relieve and lay down again. Looks over the stitches then he nods his head. I take that as they were healing nicely. I should ask him where Tim is tomorrow. I'm sure he's ok just in another room probably being an ass.

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