Chapter 24

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Are you sure Ms. (L/n)?" My lawyer, Mr. Orson, asked as we were looking at my contracts. He was an older man who has been always my side. "Yes! I won't make a new contract with the producers and I'll leave my house to Ms. Miller." Mr. Orson nods slowly as he turns to look at Ms. Miller and Hoyt. He seemed to be suspicious. "So... um, who is your husband?" I send him a little smile and sigh out lovingly. "He's the most amazing man I have ever met!"

Mr. Orson nods again and turns to look at all the papers. "I think you should really consider about this. You're throwing your life away for some man." I send him an angry look. "Not just any man. He's my husband." I snap at him which makes him roll his eyes. "Riiiight. Your 'husband'." He lifts my contract and looks it over one more time. "Be ready to be hated by everyone in America. People are going to hate you if you leave in the between of seasons."

I cross my arms over my chest and shrug my shoulders. "I don't care. If they're going to hate me then they will hate me. I can't do this forever anyway." He straightens his stand and hits the paper with an annoyed look. "How about you do one more season? Then you can leave without any strings attached!" I think for a moment. It may take a year or more before I can finally leave. Tommy would be devastated if I don't go back soon. And I missed him already too.

"I don't think that's possible. I don't want to stay here anymore." Ms. Miller sends me a little sad look. "I'll go to get my father's things. They'll take them with me." I start to make my way out of the room until Mr. Orson yells after me. "I'll call the producer. Be ready when he gets over here! I'm not going to speak with him!" I roll my eyes with a little laugh. Even he can't stop me. Only Tommy could change my mind.

I walk over to my father's bedroom. I never touched any of his stuff when he died so the room was still the way he left it. I smile as I look all of his stuff and the huge painting I had of him on the wall. I walk over to the desk and look at the neckless that was the family heirloom. My father got it from his father and so on. I never dared to use it because I was so afraid that it would be lost somewhere. I take it and put in on around my neck. The beautiful silver image of a swallow was right on top of my collarbone.

I open one of the drawers and look around it. I take his old pocketknife that he got from his grandpa. He always said that it brought luck to him. The final thing I wanted back was his ring. The ring my mother always wanted. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. It had some diamonds on it. It was extremely expansive and he always wore it. The only time I ever saw him take it off was at his deathbed where he gave it to me. And now I know who I was going to gift it as a sign of love.

"Are you okay missy?" I hear Hoyt's familiar voice. I wipe some escaped tears from my cheeks. "I'm fine. It's just the memories." I turn to look at him, only to see that he was staring at the painting. "Is that your daddy?" He suddenly asked. I slowly nod and put the ring in my pocket. "He is. What about it?" Hoyt nods slowly and then turns to look at me. "Did he ever stay behind to help anyone?"

His question was weird. It made me feel uncomfortable. "If he saw what someone needed help then yeah." Hoyt stares at me for a while and then he just nods. What was going on with him? "Okay. Try to be ready soon. I want to go back home already." His change in behavior made me alarmed. I didn't like how I couldn't read him. It made me feel creeped out. I feel a shiver run down my spine.

I look around and pick up some other my dad's belongings like his old clothes and books. Don Quixote was his favorite book and maybe I could read it with Thomas sometimes. The thought that I could spend some time with him made a sweet smile form on my lips. I missed him too much already. I take my father's old backpack and fill it with his things. I needed to leave with Hoyt before he gets too annoyed.

Everything happens for a reason. Leatherface x ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum