Chapter 1

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(Y/n)'s POV

After driving almost 3 days, we finally arrived in Texas. We had to stop many times because of the animals. Romeo sat in his cage and looked outside of the window and Miss Pop was in her cage eating some hay. Tim was on the front seat, looking at the map we had with us. The sun was shining bright and it was so hot. I feel sorry for Romeo because his fur was so thick and he was panting all the time. I must make sure that he has water all the time.

"You know you look hot in those clothes, right?" Tim says suddenly, making me feel little uncomfortable. I look at him, giving him a little smile. "Yeah I know. It's hot here in the summer." Tim laughs and I look at the gas meter. "We need to fill up the car at the next gas station." Tim nods and looks outside. "I can pay it this time. So, your father's cousin. Are you sure he even lives here anymore? This place looks dead to me." I look at the road and sigh.

"I havent heard from him in long time. Dad said he was supposed to go to Michigan but after that I haven't heard anything from him. But maybe he decided to stay here." I was getting worried about him because he didn't even show up to my father's funeral. We sent him a letter but we never got a response. I look at Tim and he nods while turning his looks ahead to the road. After a while a building came in our view. "There's a gas station right there. Pull over there."

I pulled over at the gas station. It looked rundown and old but it had spirit. I think it looked lovely. There were also bikers there, who were looking at us. I went to the trunk and let Romeo out after putting him on his leash, then I turned to Miss Pop and took her cage out of the truck. "Tim can you look after Miss Pop? I have to go and let Romeo look around." Tim looked carefully at the bikers and nodded. "Sure. I will let her straighten her legs." I smile at Miss Pop, taking her out of her cage and giving her a kiss on her head. "Now be nice to him. He can be a handful sometimes. I will kick his butt if he hurts you. Mama loves ya!" I give her to Tim and then I start walking to the field.

I let Romeo go on the field and he runs off jumping around in the field. He needs to burn that energy from sitting all day somehow but I hope that the landowner doesn't get too angry that a dog is running around. After he comes back, I put him back on the leash and go back to the car. I put him back inside of his cage in the back. "I'll get you some cold fresh water and meat. Stay here boy." I shut the door of his cage and look at Miss Pop who is walking around the car. Tim has her on her leash and I must say he looks stupid with that. Miss Pop is just so cute, but a grown man following a bunny on a leash just looks ridiculous.

I step inside of the gas station, taking a look around. It's an old place but I like it! "Hello! Is anyone here?" I walk farther inside and see the cash desk. I walk over there and older woman comes out of the next room over. She sees me and stops looks at me in shock. "Hello ma'am. Can I have some water and meat please?" She puts her hand on her mouth, quickly making her way to the counter. "Oh my Lord. You are (Y/n) (L/n)!" I smile at her and extend my hand to her. "I am. It's so nice to meet you ma'am. What your name?" She shakes my hand with a bright smile on her lips. Therefore, I like to do what I do. To make people happy.

"Oh my! My name is Luda May but please call me Luda. I love your shows so much! I watch them with my family when I go back home in the evenin'." I smile even wider. "Luda you're so kind to me. I bet your family is as lovely as you're!" She nods her head. "Can I ask you somethin?" She asks and I look, waiting for the question.

"Yeah of course! You can ask anything." She takes paper and pen. "You see my boy Thomas really likes you. Would you mind writin' him a letter? He is a little sad sometimes cause he has this skin disease and I think your kind words would help him get a smile on his face. But still he is a lovely man." I take the paper and pen. "Of course, I'll write him." I start writing the letter.

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