Chapter 15

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(Y/n)'s POV

The dinner was awkward. Hoyt was speaking with the other man who didn't even sense the danger he was in. I was little sad for him since he didn't even think that we could be evil. He was so trusting in us. I was feeding Jedidiah while the two men were talking. Soon enough Jedidiah was full and I quickly finish my dinner. I wasn't going to stay here and see when they kill this innocent man brutally without any regrets.

"Thanks for the supper but Jedidiah needs to go to sleep." I say to them all and Luda May smiles at me. "Go ahead darlin'. I'll tell Tommy where to find you." She says to me and I smile back at her. "I'll see you later momma." I say to her and pick Jedidiah up as I get up from my seat. "Your man is lucky to have you. I'm sure a pretty little thing like yourself is happy to have a man that makes the living!" He says happily like it was a good thing. Sure, some women need a man to give them everything they could ever want but I didn't ask that.

"Yeah, I am." I say awkwardly and quickly make my way upstairs. I was so happy that Thomas didn't do the same to me. Sure I could seem to be weak but I wasn't helpless and Thomas was sweet enough to see that. I was strong enough to take care of myself. Now that most of my fear was gone, I wasn't as afraid of them than before. But after I killed that man, I noticed that I felt different. I know it was wrong but he seemed to deserve it because he hurt Luda May. And because of that I was afraid of myself.

I walk in Luda May's room where Jedidiah usually sleeps. He was going to have such wonderful dreams with a belly full of warm food. He needed that so he would be big and strong as Thomas. I burp him before I put him in his crib. "There you go little one! I hope you had a nice day like I did... well before those men came." I say to him as he lays there. I put his blanket on him and rub his cheek gently. "Sleep well little one." I say to him and then just leave him alone. I was happy that he didn't start crying by the time I reached the door.

I walk to my own room and lay down on my own bed. Was I really changing that much? It didn't bother me that Thomas killed if they said something bad about the family or did something bad. Was I a bad person because of that? The meat they used didn't bother me that much anymore now that I think of it. I feel tears form on my eyes. I was becoming a monster like Hoyt. A heartless cannibal.

Suddenly the feel of needing Thomas took over me. I had fallen for the cannibal butcher. Would he still be a normal butcher if the things were different here and the slaughterhouse wasn't shut down? I was little glad that it happened because if it didn't, I'm not sure if I would have ever met him. I wanted to know why they decided to close their doors but I was too afraid to ask anything about it from Thomas so I wouldn't hurt his feelings or bring out some painful memories. I hadn't seen him be angry because of me yet but I wasn't going to push him to that point.

He could surely do something else too if he wanted to. A strong man like him could easily find some other job too. Maybe from another slaughterhouse if he wasn't arrested from all the murders before that. The thought that he would be arrested suddenly made me feel awful. The only one that really deserved to go to prison was Hoyt. He was the one and only asshole here. I wanted take Thomas, Luda May, Jedidiah and Monty somewhere better where they could live without any worries about all this.

I hear the man scream down stairs and I know that he was going to die soon. I cover my ears from the noise as only few tears form in my eyes because of the man. It was still awful but it wasn't as bad as the first time I heard it. I guess that I was getting used to all this. I let out few more quiet sobs as the sound were getting farther away from me. He was taking him to the basement where he was going to finish him off. I hope that Jedidiah's sleep wasn't interrupted from all that noise.

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