In the Forbidden Forest

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I don't own any of these characters.

Hermione's POV

I was heading towards Kings cross with Ron, Harry, and the rest of the Weasley sibilings to platfrom 9 3/4 to go into the Hogwarts Express to go to Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry, Ron, and I were going into 4th year. I just hope it will be a normal year but I know it won't. When we said our goodbyes we went into the train we found an empty compartment at the end of the train.

When we entered the compartment I heard a voice say "Hermione come to me." "Did you guys hear that?" "No Mione we didn't hear anything. Did you Ron" Harry said. " No Harry I didn't either" Ron said.

Just then a platinum blonde boy came into the compartment. "Potter have you heard the news" Malfoy said. "What do you want Malfoy" I said. "Nobody was talking to you mudblood." "Don't call her that" Ron said. "Like I was saying you are not gonna be able to participate in the triwizard tournament. So you won't be able to steal the fame." "Get out of here before I hex you" I yelled. He then went running towards his compartment. "Thanks Mione" Harry said. "No problem Harry, what are friends for?" Just then I heard that voice again calling for me. "Come Hermione, come to me."

Just then I felt lightheaded and then everything was dark and then I saw a light so I ran to it and saw two boys and two girls. The oldest boy was a blonde, dark blue eyes. The younger boy had black hair and brown eyes. The older girl had the dark brown hair that went a little below her shoulders and had blue eyes. The youngest girl had  short hair that was a bit below her ears and she had dark blue eyes. Then she saw a lion. It had a golden mane and it said, "Hermione, come to me." Just then I saw the oldest girl from before and I noticed she looked similar to me and then she said, "Hermione" and then she smiled at me.

Just then I woke up with a gasp. "Bloody hell Hermione what happened" Ron said. " Are you ok Mione?" Harry asked. "I don't know. How long was I out?" "About 15 minutes" Ron said. "We should change into our robes we are almost to our stop" Harry said. I nodded and they both helped me up. And they both went out to get changed while I changed inside of the compartment.

Susan's POV

I had a dream of a girl that looked similar to me. She had dark brown hair that had curls at the end and it ended a little below from the shoulders. Then she said "Susan". Just then I saw Peter, Edmund, and Lucy in some kind of forest. After that I saw a lion with a golden mane. It said "Susan come to me."

Just then I woke up and there was bombing outside. I woke up Lucy and then I saw mom and said. "Go wake up Peter and Edmund now." I went as fast as I could I woke them up and we went to the living room to meet up with mom and we ran outside to the shack. We got inside and O realized Edmund wasn't there. "Where is Edmund." Peter went outside and into the house and came out with Edmund and into the shack and with him he brought a picture of us and dad. We stayed there until morning.

The next day we had to go pack to go to the train station beacause we couldn't stay because the war was coming near. Before we left mom said. "Peter protect your brother and sisters." She looked up at me "Susan, be a big girl". Then we went into the train. When we got off we saw a woman in a carriage. She looked mean. We got to our destination that was at a mansion. We went in and the woman showed us our rooms. I was sharing with Lucy and Peter and Edmund were sharing a room.

After a while of unpacking we were bored so we played a game of hide and seek. It's been a while of playing but we can't find Lucy. Just then she came running to us saying that there was a magical wardrobe. We went to go check it out but there was nothing just some old coats. Then we went to have dinner with the owner of the house which his name is Perfessor Digory Kirke. He was really nice to us. Later at night Lucy woke me up by saying "Susan wake up I went into the wardrobe. Edmund was there too." Just then I went into Peter and Edmund's room and woke Peter up. When Peter woke up I told him "Lucy claims she went into the wardrobe and that Edmund was there too." We both looked at Lucy and Edmund. "Edmund is this true" Peter asked. "Of course not. Lucy is just imagining stuff." Just then Lucy stormed out of the room crying and I called after her "Lucy come back." Just then Professor Kirke came out asking "What is going on this late?" "We're sorry professor but we had a little arguement with Lucy not too important" Peter said. "Well why don't we talk about this in my study." Peter and I followed the professor to his study and we sat down in the chairs that were available. "So what was the argument about" asked the professor. "Well professor Lucy says that the wardrobe that is upstairs brings you to another world" I said. "And do you believe her" the professor asked. "Of course not sir why would we it is ridduclus" I said. "Well why don't you talk to her" he said. "We will sir" Peter said. "Good night sir" I said. The next day we were playing baseball outside the ball broke the window and then broke a statue. We had to get out of there before the house of keys lady comes and gets us. We ran to each door we could find but they were locked. Until a door to a room opened and there was the wardrobe. We all went inside then we saw branches and then we were in a forest covered in snow.

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