Going to Aslan

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Hermione's POV

I was worried about Edmund because he might encounter the White Witch and I don't want him to get hurt. Or maybe it is my older sister instinct that is kicking in, since I learned that I might be Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy's sister I have to worry for them because they might be the family I was never able to have.

My supposedly parents have always treated me very poorly. I was abused by my father for not being a normal girl. He made me do all the house chores, leave me to starve and if I was lucky enough get the scrapes, have to wake up at 3 in the morning and have to run for 5 hours straight without stopping, or get punched or cut by my father. And my mother wouldn't do anything about it.

So I think that maybe if they are my family I have to tell them about my magic and that I'm a witch and that they might be too. So I have to build up my Gryffindor courage to tell them.
"Guys, I think you should know something that I think you really should know but please don't think bad on what I'm about to tell you." "We won't Hermione. We might be family and family never turns their back on each other" Susan said. "You might be our long lost sister and if you are we will never let you go. We will follow you and help you in everything we can. And I really want to know if you really are our sister because I can't wait to be the older brother to protect my younger sister" Peter said. "We will always be there for you no matter what" Lucy said. "Ok, so the thing is that I'm a witch" I bluttered out. Everyone's eyes went big. "And if I'm a witch then you might have magic in you too" I said.

Then Susan came up to me and hugged me. "Thank you for telling us this big secret that I know it must not be very easy to carry" she said. "So you're saying that we might be able to do magic" Lucy said. "That's so cool" Peter said. "And we might be able to defeat the White Witch with our magic" I said. "How do you control your magic" Mr. Beaver asked. "Well I can control it by using this" I lifted up my wand and showed them. "The wand is so you can concentrate and channel your magic through the wand but you can use wandless magic" I said. "What type of things can you do" Ms. Beaver asked. "Well I can do many things like levitate an object, transfigure an object into something else, and can curse somebody for example make them throw up slugs from their mouths" I said. Everybody had a disgusted look on their face. "And I can also make potions" I said trying to lift up the mood.

"Wow, Mione you can do different things with your magic" Lucy said. "Yes, but I think we should go to Aslan first to see if he can help us rescue Edmund" I said.

Then we heard a noise and saw a fox coming our way. Then the fox spoke "Beavers I have a message for you" he said. "We know what side of the war you are on fox" Mr. Beaver said. "No Beaver I'm not from the White Witch's army but my family bonds are with her. But I'm with Aslan and he sends a message for you" he said. "What does he say fox" Ms. Beaver said. "He says that he will be waiting at the other side of the forever frozen river".

Then we heard a noise and the fox said "Climb up the tree they won't be able to see you". So we did and just then a pack of wolves came and asked the fox where we were and the fox told them that we went south. And then the wolves attacked the fox. It was terrible to watch how they injured the fox. Peter had to cover Lucy's mouth because of it. When the wolves left I went to him with my bag and got some potions out and my books on healing. After a while the fox was feeling better and said "Thank you, your majesty for your kindness. But now I must take my leave to recruit more people for Aslan's army." "But you aren't done healing yet. You need to rest" I said concerned. "I don't have time to rest. But I hope I'll see you soon your majesties" he said and then left.

"Well we should get going so we can pass the river" Mr. Beaver said. So we headed towards the river when we heard bells. "Run. It's the White Witch" Mr. Beaver yelled so we ran as fast as we could until we approached a rock and hid under it. "I'll go check what does she want and I'll come and get you when it's safe" Mr. Beaver said. We stayed as quite as possible. Just then Mr. Beaver poked his head out and made us jump. "Someone is here to see you" he said. We came out of our hiding spot and saw a man with reindeers and a sleigh. He had a bushy white beard. "Is he Santa" Lucy asked. "No dear I'm Father Christmas and I have gifts for all of you" he said.  He went into his bag and got a dager, a potion bottle, and a wand. "Lucy this is the fire flower potion. With one drop it will kill any injury" he said while handing her the potion. "And this I hope you will never have to use this" he said giving her the dager. "Do you think I'm brave enough" Lucy asked. "I'm sure you are could" he said. "And this I think your sister will show you how to use it" he said looking at me and handing her the wand. "Thank you sir" Lucy said. He went to his bag and grabbed a quiver full of arrows and a bow. "Susan, trust in this bow, and it will not easily miss" he said. "What happened with battles are ugly affairs" Susan said and the man laughed. "Well you don't have a problem making yourself heard, blow this and help will come" he said. And then pulled out a wand for her too. "Thank you" Susan said. He then went i to his bag and grabbed a sword and a shield. The sheild had a red lion on it. "Peter, the time to use these will come" he said handing him the sword. Peter started to take it out of it's compartment. It looked so pretty and it had an inscription in the middle of it. He then gave Peter a wand also. He went into his bag to grab a quiver with arrows and a bow, a sword, and a cloak. "Hermione, this cloak will protect you like a shield. This bow and arrows is just like Susan's just trust it and it will not easily miss. And this sword will protect you trust it will" he said. "Oh and when you find Edmund give him theses" he said giving us a sword, a wand, and a shield. "Thank you" I said. "These are not toys, they are tools. Treat them as like" he said. He got on his sleigh and said "Now I must be off. Winter is almost over. Merry Christmas" he said while flying off in his sleigh.

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