Secret Meeting

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Nobody's POV

During Lunch

"I still can't believe that Malfoy is our cousin" said Susan. "And what's worse is that he is being abused by his father. That's awful" said Lucy. "Well I don't believe it. After all he has done to all of us it is hard to believe" said Ron. "Not everyone is so lucky to have kind parents Ronald" said Hermione.

"That's true dear. Not everyone is so lucky. You shouldn't judge a child for the sins of a their parents Ron" said Molly. "Yes mum" said Ron. "And that goes for all of you. Understood" said Remus. They all mumbled yes. "Good now I'll arrange a day with Cissa so she can bring Draco so you all can get to know one another" said Sirius.

"WHAT" all the children said. "You heard me. This is a good opportunity so you can get to know who Draco Malfoy truly is" said Sirius. "Alright" they all mumbled.

Few Days Later

Hermione's POV

We were all at breakfast when dad and uncle Remus came into the room. "Pups we have visitors today". "WHAT" we all said while Ron was choking on his pumpkin juice. "Ronald Weasley mind your manners" said Molly.

"Cissa and Draco are coming over today" said uncle Remus. "They are going to be here before lunch" said Dad. "Wait isn't that in 3 hours" asked Ginny. "Then you should hurry and do your chores and get ready then" said uncle Remus.

3 hours later

We heard the door bell ring. We all rushed to the door but dad got there first and opened the door. At the doorway stood a beautiful blonde woman and her platinum blonde son. "Cissa, Draco come on in. Be welcomed" said uncle Remus.

Then we all heard someone rushing down the stairs. "Cissa you're here" shouted dad. He ran towards her like a child and hugged her tightly. He looked towards Draco. "Draco" he said welcoming. "Uncle" he said. Dad then pulled him into a hug. Surprisingly he hugged back.

Then they pulled apart and looked towards us. It was silent for a minute. Then Lucy stepped up and walked toward Draco and hugged him. He got caught off guard by her sudden gesture.

"Hello" Draco said shyly. Then I stepped up and joined the hug. I knew I couldn't forgive him for all the torment he made me, Harry, and Ron suffer for four years but he is family now and I think that I should give him a chance to redeem himself. Even if my friends don't agree.

When we pulled back Harry, Edmund, Peter, and Susan extended their hands to shake his. "I think we started on the wrong foot. Hello my name is Susan, nice to meet you" she said. He responded to the handshakes "Pleasure. I'm Draco" the blonde said.

Then Draco turned to the Weasley family. "I'm truly sorry for being an obnoxious snobby git to you" he said. "Oh don't worry about it dear. I'm Molly Weasley but please call me Molly" said Ms. Weasley. "Pleasure ma'am" he said extending out his hand but Molly pulled him in and gave him one of her bone crushing hugs.

Then he turned to Fred, George, Ginny, and Ron. "I know you won't be able to forgive me for all of the bad things I did but I think that it's better to start by apologizing" he said. I could see that he was being sincere with every word he was saying. "Oh don't worry about it mate" said Fred. " It's all in the past now" said George. They both gave him a pat on the back.

Ginny extended her hand towards him. "Everyone deserves a second chance" she said. Then we were all waiting on Ron. "Why are you all looking at me for" he asked. "Well it's fine if you are still not ready to forgive me yet" said Draco. I could see Ginny glaring at Ron so hard that you could almost see him trembling in fear. "Fine. I'll give you a chance" said Ron.

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