Story Time (Part 1)

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Hermione's POV

When we got out of the drawing room we all went upstairs to check on the boys. It was quite which is so rare because they are boys. When we enter the room Peter was telling the rest of the guys an ancient legend from Narnia. They were all in awe.

"A long time ago there lived a boy named Digory" started Peter. "What type of name is that" joked Ron. Everyone laughed and we all sat down listening to the story. "He was from the country but he had to move to the city of London. He disliked it very much. He lived with his very strange uncle. He would speak in some strange way and would cry in his secret room. He then met a girl named Polly who became his first friend. Polly had found a secret tunnel that connected all the neighbor's attics. They wanted to explore a house that had been empty for some time. And when they got there, Digory found out that the house wasn't empty at all. It was beautifully furnished study of the kind. It was some type of laboratory which had many scientific tools. Polly finds some green and yellow rings but before she could get a closer look they heard a humming that filled the room, Digory tells Polly that they should leave." "What a coward" both Fred and George said.

"They see Uncle Andrew. They try to run but Uncle Andrew shuts the door of the tunnel. The children beg to leave but Uncle Andrew wouldn't budge. Uncle Andrew told the children that he was working on an experiment, but the children wanted to leave so he let them but not before giving one of the yellow rings to Polly. But once Polly comes near the rings she hears the humming sound they heard earlier get louder and louder." "Don't touch the bloody rings" Ron yells out.

"Shut it Ron" says Ginny. "Just as Digory tells her not to touch the rings she touches one of them and vanishes. Digory yells but is quickly quiet down by Andrew. Andrew tells him how the rings came to be. He got some type of substance from his godmother. He began to perform experiments on the substance which then became rings, that could draw out our world and the world from where the substance originated from. So he sent Polly to see what she saw. But since she has no way of returning Digory would have to go after her carrying the green ring. Digory grabbed two green rings and put them in his pocket and then grabs a yellow ring." "That old man is mad" said Draco. "Mad indeed" replies Harry.

"The study vanished as he traveled to that other world. He felt as if he was underwater. He emerged from a small pool and saw trees and other small pools. He then sees a young girl saying that she had seen him before. He asked how long she has been there and she answers that she has always been there. Digory had forgotten about Andrew and Polly. And states that he too has always been there. Polly saw him coming out of the pool. They then see an animal with a yellow ring tied to it and remember Andrew. They then go to the same pool they had emerged from but it didn't work. Then Digory remembered that he had the green rings. Just before they were about to jump Digory realizes that the other pools could be other worlds. Digory then explains everything to Polly. Digory was about to jump into into another pool but Polly stopped him saying that they should try to go home before they try to go somewhere else. They switched rings and jump into the pool and they could make out Uncle Andrew's study. Then they switch the rings again and they are back in the woods. Then they both jump into another pool but after they marked the pool that takes them home."

"They land into the new world and noticed that there was a red light. They then notice that they were in a courtyard that was surrounded by high walls columns and archways. They end up exploring the building and they reach a hall where there are wax-like statues of people. The first faces they see a kind and gentle but they then become cruel and evil. They then see the final statue was the fiercest of all. It was beautiful but cruel. Then they see a small pillar which had a golden bell and a hammer to hit the bell with. There was writing in the pillar that said if you strike the bell there could be danger and if you don't you would go mad wondering what would have happened if you had. Polly didn't want to strike the bell but Digory did so Polly wanted to grab her yellow ring but Digory stopped her and hit the bell. Parts of the ceiling fall to the ground but when it stops they hear a sound at the end of the hall. They then see the last statue rise from her chair and goes to the children asking how she was awoken. Digory tells her that he woke her and she tells him that he isn't from royal blood so she asks him what he was doing in the castle. Polly tells her because of magic but the woman ignores her and asks Digory if it was true. The woman grabs Digory by the chin and tells him he is not a magician so he must have used someone else's magic. Digory tells him it was his Uncle's doing." "What an idiot of a kid" says dad.

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