Hermione Is Missing

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Harry's POV

After classes were done Ron and I were heading to the common room and Hermione said she was going to the library to get some books. A few hours passed and Hermione hasn't come back from the library. "Ron, Hermione hasn't came back from the library and it's getting late. We should go look for her" I said. "Alright let's go, but if we find her I will tell her that you were worried about her because it was getting late and she wasn't back from the library" Ron said.

I have had a big crush on Hermione since second year. When she was petrified I felt so scared I was gonna lose her. And that's when I realized that I had feelings for her. I told Ron about it because he is my best mate, eventhough they fight most of the time he is happy for me. So then we went to the library we searched every inch of the library for her and there was no sign of her. So we went to Professor McGonagall.

"Exuse us, professor but we were wondering if you had seen Hermione" I asked. "Well Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley I haven't seen Miss. Granger since she entered my class. Have you checked in the library or maybe in her dorm" she asked. "Yes Professor McGonagall we checked the library and after class we went directly to our common room and we haven't seen her since class ended" Ron said a bit worried. "Well in that case we should wait until dinner if she appears and if not come to me and I'll tell Headmaster Dumbledore about this matter" she said. "Thank you professor" we both said in unison. At dinner Hermione didn't come and Ginny, George, and Fred asked where Hermione was but I couldn't answer them because I didn't know either.

So then Ron and I went to Professor McGonagall to tell her that Hermione wasn't back. So she went up to headmaster Dumbledore and told him everything. So then we went back to our seats and then headmaster Dumbledore made an announcement if anyone has seen Hermione and if they had to inform Professor McGonagall or himself. I was getting really worried about Hermione if she gets hurt or if she is in trouble.

Just then I heard Malfoy say "Good thing the mudblood is gone." I was getting furious and I felt a hand on my shoulder knowing it was Ron and that he had heard what Malfoy had said. So I try to control my anger as best as I can to prevent a scene in front of the whole school and the new visitors.

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