Under the Lake

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Nobody's POV

It's been weeks since Harry, Hermione, Peter, Susan, Edmund, Lucy, Ron, Neville, and Luna were trying to figure out how to open the golden egg and they finally did. They were in the Room of Requirement and they saw a pool so Harry went into the pool with the egg and it opened. When he pulled the egg out of the water it made a screetching noise. So he went underwater and listened to it. It sanged:

Come seek us where our voices sound,
We cannot sing above the ground,
An hour long you'll have to look,
To recover what we took.

"It's going to be underwater. Maybe in the Black Lake" Susan says. "And it says they will take something that you will miss dearly and are going to give you 1 hour to find it" Hermione says. "So we have to find something to keep Harry underwater for 1 whole hour" Peter says. "Easy enough" Ron says sarcastically. "We have to go to the library to get some research" says Edmund. "I may have something but I suggest we use it as last resort" says Neville. "Alright lets go" says Luna.

Then Fawkes came towards Hermione. Then she saw a letter attatched to Fawkes' leg and took the letter and read it. "Professor Dumbledore wants to see me. I will meet you at the library to research". Hermione said. "Ok, just when you are done with Dumbledore come to the library directly" said Harry a bit concerned. "Yes, Harry I will don't worry. I'll be back soon" Hermione said.

So when Hermione arrived to the gargoyle she said the password and then climbed the stairs and came upon a door and knocked. She then heard a quiet "Come in" so she went in and saw the headmaster on his desk.

"You asked to see me professor" Hermione said. "Yes, Miss. Granger. Please sit" he signaled to an empty chair in front of his desk sge then sat down. "Miss. Granger since you told me about the prophecy that has been fortold I have been analyzing it and I think it is not Mr. Potter who will defeat Voldemort" he said.

"What do you mean professor" she asked. "Well you see the prophecy said the one to defeat the dark lord would be a ruler of another magical land. And the prophecy mentioned a her so the rulers of this magical land is you and your sibilings. So the person who will defeat. Voldemort has to be you or your sisters" he said. "How is that possible, sir how can this new prophecy be accurate" she said.

"Well Miss. Granger prophecies that are told by centaurs are special ones. The centaurs have a special gift for prophecies and the all come true. My child and I have to inform you that Voldemort may rise by the end of this year. And I'm sure that he split his soul into 7 pieces called horocruxes. You see Mr. Potter destroyed a diary that displayed a younger version of Tom Riddle" he asked. Hermione nodded.

"Well I have a theory that that was a horocruxe and on how to destroy them would be basilik venom and I know two things that has basilik venom and they are the basilik fang and the sword of Gryffindor. And I would like to ask you to come with me to go horocrux hunting I have an idea of where all of them are" he said. "Well I will help in anyway I can to keep my friends and family safe no matter what. Even if I die trying" she said.

"Well to keep your sibilings distracted they will take their first exams in 3 days. And Mr. Potter, Weasley, and Longbottom will try to figure out how to help Mr. Potter breathe underwater for 1 hour" he said. "Yes, sir. May I leave now, my friends are waiting for me" she asked. "You may Miss. Granger. And remember meet me in 3 days after curfew. Use your speacial cloak even though it has protecting properties it is also an invisiblity cloak" he said. "Yes sir" Hermione said.

So Hermione went to the library as fast as possible. She went to her usual spot to study and she saw her friends. She waled towards them and Harry was the first to acknowledge her. "Hi Hermione, how was your meeting with Dumbledore" he asked. "It was fine. But anyway how is the research going" Hermione asked. "It is terrible, we haven't got any clue" said Susan. "It would be easier if he had a marine animagus" said Ron. "Neville what was the idea you had" Peter asked. "Well there is a plant called Gillyweed. Gillyweed gives you the ability to breathe underwater for 1 hour" he said. "But. There has to be a but for you wanting it to be used for last resort" Edmund said. "Well the thing is if he eats it to early he will have less time for the search" he said. "Okay we go and search for books for underwater diving, transfiguration, anything that is helpful. Lets go" Hermione said "Mione can I go with you" Lucy asked. "Sure come on" Hermione said.

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