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Hermione's POV

We headed to the Headmaster's office so we can speak about what happened. We got to the office and we went in. "Professor instead of telling you I rather show you my memories" I said. He nodded and opened his closet and there was a peniseve. I grabbed my want and put it towards my head and took out a silver bluish string and put it in the peniseve. He then put his head inside and stayed there for a few minutes. He took his head out "Minevra it's your turn to see" he said. She put her head in and stayed there a few minutes and then she came out. "Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley it's your turn to see" she said. Harry and Ron put their heads in and they were there for a few minutes and then came out.

" Headmaster, I was wondering if you would accept my sibilings in Hogwarts" I asked. I saw a twinkle in his eye. "Why not, but first they should take a test for every class and if they pass every class they could go in the same grade as you Miss. Granger" he said.

"Headmaster I also have to tell you that I mastered wandless magic and non-verbal magic" I said. "Oh my Miss. Granger you mastered it at a very young age. I'm impressed" Professor McGonagall said. "She taught us as well Professor. She taught us everything she knows" Susan said. "Of course she did she knows it all" said Ron. "Ronald Weasley, why don't you just shut up" I said. "We missed you too Mione" he said.

"Potter don't you have a dance you got to get to" Professor McGonagall asked. "Yes Professor but I have a problem" Harry said. "And what is it Potter" Professor McGonagall asked. "I don't have a date" Harry said. "Well Harry, you are still bad with girls aren't you" I said while almost bursting out laughing. "Well Mione, it isn't something to laugh about" he said. "Well don't worry I'll go with you, I happen to be a good dancer so I hope you don't step on my feet" I said. "Me and Edmund were terrible dancers and Mione fixed that up by teaching us. Right Ed" Peter said. "She sure did after being stepped on. She had to gather lots of courage to teach us" said Ed. "See nothing to worry about Harry. You will be perfectly fine just trust me" I said. "It's settled then. Let's go" Professor McGonagall said.

We walked to the Great Hall and we were stopped by Malfoy. "Oh the mudblood is back" he said. "If you were smart enough you wouldn't say that" Peter said. "And who might you be" he asked. "I'm Hermione's older brother" Peter said taking out his sword and lifting it towards Malfoy. "Where did you get this toy sword" he asked.

"How dare you mock my brother" Susan said holding up her bow with an arrow ready to shoot and Edmund grabbed his sword. "Put the bow down gorgous. You won't hurt this handsome boy that is in front of you" he said.

"Wow you sure are arrogant. First thing let me tell you this I have met a lot of centaurs and they are better looking than you. You look like an ogre compared to them. Second thing I will shoot if you mock my brother again or insult my family ever and if you are doubting I will shoot listen to this the person who gave me this bow and arrows said if I trust this bow with my life it will never miss it's target. And right now you are my target." Susan said making Malfoy scared so he ran away.

Everyone was laughing while Malfoy ran away. "Bloody brilliant. Just brilliant" Ron said. "Well that's how you treat guys like that when they get on your nerves" Susan said. "I still remember all of those suitors that you chased away" said Lucy. "They were quite a lot" said Edmund. "I kinda feel bad for those guys" Peter said. "Let's go guys we are going to be late" I said

So we hurried the center of the room and I heard everyone wispering. The dance began Harry was quite good at dancing. "So did you get any suitors" Harry asked. "Lord heavens no, they did try to but they were not my type. So I manage to scare them away by shooting arrows or put a sword at their throat or hiding myself in the library" I said.

"Tell me about Aslan" he said. "Aslan is a very caring creature. He is the closest thing I have to a father. You saw my memories when the White Witch killed him. I was devastated even though I knew him for a short period of time he was their for us and he saved Ed's life. How could I not love him." I said. "Mione I'm sorry for not looking for you this whole time" he said. I laughed a little "Harry how could you have known that I was in another world with whole new people and that I was at war. Don't worry that was 10 years ago" I said. He looked confused. "10 years passed in Narnia and here it passed a few months" I said.

"What have you been up to" I asked. "Well remember that Headmaster Dumbledore said that their would be a tournament with 2 other schools and that only 17 year olds or older would be able to participate" he asked. I nodded. "Well someone put my name in a goblet and the goblet chose my name. I was accused of cheating and fame stealer. Ron got mad at me and we didn't talk for a while. But now we do. The first task was to defeat a dragon that was protecting a golden egg. And in the process I broke my arm. And then they announced about this ball I had to attend to and bring a date" he said. "And I guess you failed in that part" I said and then giggled. "It's not funny" he said. "I think it is Harry" I said still giggling.

"Anyway what other weapons do you know how to use" he asked. "Well I know how to use a sword, bow and arrow" I said. "I also got a cloak that works as a sheild. Which it is pretty cool so I don't have to use magic. And I think it protects me from the killing curse too" I said. "That's really cool Mione" he said. "What about your brothers and sisters" he asked. "Well Peter got a sword, a sheild, and a wand. Susan got a bow and arrows, a horn, and a wand" I said. "So Susan's bow never misses" he asked. "Never and mine is the same" I said. "What does the horn do" he asked. "Well the horn is when she needs help she just blows it and help will come no matter where she is" I said. "What about Edmund and Lucy" he asked. "Well Edmund got a sword, shield, and a wand. And Lucy got a dagger, a potion of the fire flower that heals any injury, and a wand" I said. "Well that will come in handy" he said. "It does when you are in a war" I said.

"By the way you look beautiful tonight" he said. "Well thank you and it was the dress I used for my coronation" I said. "Well you always look beautiful" he said. I couldn't help but blush. "Well tommorow my sibilings and I will go see the centaurs and go practice with our weapons and go hunting later do you want to come" I asked. "Centaurs, in the forbbiden forest" he asked. "Yes Harry they are so kind, loyal, honest, and friendly" I said. "Well if you say so, I would love to go" he said. "Well it's settled then" I said. Then the music stopped.

Then we walked towards my sibilings. I stood next to Susan and Lucy. And Harry walked towards Peter and Edmund. "Harry likes you Mione" Lucy said. "What, no way Lu. You must be seeing things" I said. "No Mione he is into you. You are just not seeing it" Susan said. "How would Harry ever like someone like me" I said. "Like what Mione, beautiful, smart, brave, couragous, kind, and gentle" Susan said. "It's true Mione. Why do you think he is talking to Peter and Edmund" Lucy asked. "To be friendly" I said. "Yes that too but he wants to be approved by our brothers to know if he has a chance" Susan says. "What are talking about I've known Harry since I was 11 years old and I'm sure he doesn't think of me like that" I said.

"Changing the topic tommorrow we can go and see the centaurs. And then I'll invite all of you to Hogsmeade and buy presents and sweets. Anything you want. And I've invited Harry if you don't mind" I said. "Of course we don't Mione. He is your best friend anyway we want to know him better you know" Susan said. "And plus when winter break is over we need to take some test so we can all be in the same grade and have to do the same things together" I said.

"We have to ask Headmaster Dumbledore where are you going to sleep for now" I said. So we went to the headmaster and asked him where my brothers and sisters would spend the night. He chose two chambers. One for Peter and Edmund. The other would be for Susan, Lucy, and I. And when we were sittuated we went to sleep for the night.

The Five Kings and Queens of Narnia (Chronicals of Narnia x Harry Potter)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora