Telling the Truth

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Hermione's POV

After I changed my wet clothes with new ones. My sibilings and I agreed that we would meet them at the library in 10 minutes. So when I was done I went to the library and foubd them all there. I went to take a seat in between Edmund and Susan while Lucy and Peter were across from us.

"Well I wanted to tell you about the prophecy that the centaurs told us" I said. "I know what you want to say and I have got to say that I figured the prophecy out" Susan said. "Really you did. That's awsome what have you figured out" I asked.

"Well you are the one to defeat Voldemort and when you defeat him supposedly a bew evil will rise. And that evil will be your archenemy. And when you are in great need an old friend will come to your aid. And I think that old friend is Aslan. And the only archenemy that we know you have is Jadis" Susan said.

"Wow Susan you are really smart for what we credit we give you" said Edmund. And we all chuckeled at that. "Thanks Ed. But what do you have to tell us Mione" Susan said. "Well it's about how I have been acting strange for the past week. And Dumbledore is helping me how to defeat Voldemort. He believes that he created horocruxes" I said.

"What is a horocrux" asked Edmund. "It's the most malicious magic there is. You have to kill to create one. You basically take part of your soul and put it in an object or a living thing. If somone makes one they become insane. Dumbledore thinks he created 7 horocruxes" I said.

When I finished my brothers and sisters had their eyes wide. And then I looked at Lucy. "Lucy that night you went to Dumbledore's office and you had to cure him with your potion. He was cursed because of a ring that we thought it was a horocrux and I destroyed it with Gryffindor's sword" I said.

"So how many horocruxes are left" Peter asked. "5 I think. And I might know where 3 of them are. I have a theory on 1 and I don't know the last one" i said. "What are they Mione" Ed asked. "Since Voldemort liked ancient things and that was at Hogwarts. I was thinking it had to do with each house except Gryffindor because of Slytherin's rivalty with Gryffindor. So something ancient of Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff. And I think it's Slytherin's locket, Ravenclaw's diadem, and Hufflepuff cup" I said.

"And what about your theory" asked Lucy. "Well I think Harry might be a horocrux" I said. "Why do you think that Mione. Is he evil or something" asked Peter. "No Peter but it's logical. Voldemort died trying to use the killing curse at Harry and since he created lots of horocruxes he was weak and by accident put his soul in Harry. Look I'm not saying to kill him definitley not he is my best friend and I don't want him dead. I'm gonna try and take it out myself and destroy it for good" I said.

They all looked relieved. "Anyway Mione what's up with the rings and the necklace" Lucy said. "Professor McGonagall gave them to me yesterday before I went unconsious" I said. "Mione aren't those colors of all the houses" Edmund asked. Then I looked at the rings closely, they indeed were the house's colors which made it weird why would professor McGonagall would give me rings of all the house's colors. "Yeah it is. But right now I'm wearing the informal form of the rings" I said and they all looked at me confused. "There are 2 forms of the rings the informal and formal version. Right now I'm wearing the informal version of the ring" I said. And then I switched to the formal version. "And this is the formal version" I said. Susan then loomed at them closely and then went wide eyed.

"Susan what's wrong" I asked starting to get worried. "Mione these rings are the founder's rings" she said. And we all went wide eyed. She then looked at the necklace and saw the symbol. "And this symbol on the necklace i-is t-th-the Deathly Hallows symbol" she stuttered. I went wide eyed. "What is the Deathly Hallows" Peter asked.

"The story about three brothers who tried to pass a deathly river and they built a bridge with magic. And angered death himself. But death wanted to take them with him so death told the 3 brothers to ask him for anything they wanted. The older brother asked for the most powerful wand that have ever existed. And then the older brother beat other wizards that used to beat him in duels and he killed his duelers. And one night while he was sleeping a man went into his room and killed him and took his wand. The wand was called the Elder wand.  And that is how death took the first brother. The second brother wanted to see his wife again so he asked death to bring his dead wife back to life so death was very angry for this and gave a stone so he could see his wife again. He brought his wife back, her body was alive and her soul wasn't. And the second brother couldn't stand it so he hung himself so he could truely be with his wife. The stone was called the resurection stone. The third brother was more smarter than his older brothers so he asked death for his invisablity cloak. Death searched many years for the youngest brother. And one day the third brother when he was old we took off his invisablity cloak and gave it to his child and then greeted death as an old friend. The cloak was the cloak of invisiblity. And these three objects for the Deathly Hallow" I said.

Just then Harry came into the library and was coming towards us. "Please don't say anything to Harry or he will risk his life and ruin my whole plan" I said. They all nodded. And then Harry sat beside Peter. Then Susan stood up and gave Harry a big hug and Harry to say he was shocked was an understatment. "Harry I wanted to apologize to you for threatening you. And thank you so much for saving Hermione from the lake" Susan said.

Peter, Edmund, Lucy, and I were chuckling at the scene. "Yeah Susan you are forgiven but you didn't need to apologize you were worried about Hermione it's reasonable" he said. "Let me guess Harry did she scare you" I asked smirking at him.

"No but Ron, Peter, and the twins were trembling in fear because of Susan. And many should be" he said. "Thats not true" exclaimed Peter. "Oh Peter please you know you are scared of Susan wheather you like it or not. You can't help it" said Lucy. "Good one Lu" Ed said. "If you think Susan is scary you got to see Hermione when she is furious. She is scarier than Voldemort himself plus 3 times a dragon and twice as McGonagall" Harry said. "I do not" I said in my defence.

"Yeah whatever you say" he said smirking. I just rolled my eyes at him.

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