Story Time (Part 2)

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Hermione's POV

"Since it was getting late they decided to camp. They didn't have any food only a bag of toffee Digory had with him. They each ate four and planted one on the ground hoping that more food would be produced from it. Then they went to sleep under Fledge's wing, then they were briefly disturbed by someone walking but nothing comes so they went back to sleep. In the morning they found themselves with a fruit tree. They ate candy-like fruit and then they continued their journey towards the garden." "That fruit sounds delicious" said Ron. "Of course you think it's delicious. All you think about is good Ronald" I said.

"Shortly after Digory arrives at the garden. Digory goes to the gate which has a rhyme on it that says that you should only take fruit for others and not for himself. Digory then enters the garden and plucks a sliver apple from the tree. He sees the witch who tries to tempt him by saying that Aslan only wants the apple for himself and that he doesn't care about him or his dying mother. She tries to convince him by saying that he and she should be king and queen forever but Digory flees and gets on Fledge's back. They soon arrive to Aslan and he commands Digory to throws the apple towards the river. Then the coronation was held. Then Aslan commands some animals to pull the branches of four nearby trees and find Uncle Andrew. Uncle Andrew was turned into a silver and gold tree grown from the coins that fell from him when some animals found him and took them to Aslan to decide his fate."

"Polly asks Aslan if he could ease Andrew's fears. Aslan said that he could do too little for an old fool who created such misery for himself. He then breathes on Andrew that causes him to sleep. He then turns to the dwarfs who take the silver and gold trees and make two crowns and the moles brought jewels from underground to adorn the crowns. Near the river a tree had grown from the apple that Digory planted. Aslan told Digory that the tree would keep the witch out of Narnia but will remain in the north growing stronger with evil magic. Digory tells Aslan that Jadis ate from the tree but Aslan explain that the fact that she ate from the tree is her biggest weakness. Aslan then told Digory that he could take an apple from the tree he planted and give it to his mother and asked to go home so he, Polly, Uncle Andrew, and Aslan went to the forest where the pools to different worlds are. Then Aslan asks Polly and Digory to bury the rings to prevent other people from knowing that would cause harm."

"Then Polly, Digory, and Uncle Andrew were sent back to their world in London. They arrived at the scene with the police, the cab, and people gathered. Andrew now awake went to his house and up to his room. Then Polly went to Andrew's laboratory and gathered all of the remaining rings. Then Digory took the apple to his mother and gave it to her. The next day Digory planted the core of the apple and Polly planted the rings around the apple core. As time passed Digory's mother's health kept improving. A wealthy family member had died and Digory's father had gotten back from India, they moved to a fairly large house on the countryside. Digory and Polly always remained friends. In Narnia they were at peace. The apple that Digory planted grew into a big tree that provided fruit. Until it was blown over in a storm, Digory now a grown man, now a professor couldn't let the tree be burned into firewood so he had the tree cut into timbers and had it fashioned into a wardrobe. Uncle Andrew would sometimes talk about foreign queen he had once entertained in London. The End" said Peter.

"That was quite the story" said Ginny. "It wasn't just a story Ginny. It actually happened" I said. "What does that suppose to mean" asked Ms. Weasley. "It means that Jadis from the story is the White Witch" said Aunt Cissa. "But that's impossible" said Uncle Remus. "It's only possible if the apple she ate had other properties" said Draco. "Exactly. That's why Aslan made Digory throw the apple he got from the garden by the river and made him get a new one" said Aunt Cissa.

"So if she was alive then and alive until now then the properties of the apple from the garden would grant immortality" said Uncle Remus. "So that must mean that the White Witch isn't actually dead" I said. "Then that means that there is a probability that she can be the one that the prophecy was talking about" said Dad.

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