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Edmund's POV

After Draco and Aunt Cissa left we had supper. Ms. Weasley's cooking is delicious. Then we all helped cleaning. This was a big help to Kreacher. He is a very nice elf once you get to know him. After we were done cleaning I went to the library and saw Hermione and Susan there.

It was not surprising to see them there. They were by the shelves looking over a book and looked up from their books and towards the entrance where I stood. They smiled at me, "Come in Ed" said Hermione. I went over to them.

"Is something wrong Ed" Susan asked. I gave them a small smile not knowing what to say to them. "Just wanted some time with you that's all" I lied. "You seem anxious. What's on your mind" Hermione asked worriedly. "Did you notice when we did our inheritance test that there were different sections" I asked. "Yes the first section was our main information, then our titles, the types of magic we possess, bonds, and ..." Susan said then looking at Hermione then both of them looking at me. "Soulmates" Hermione said in realization.

"Who's name was there for you guys" asked Hermione. "Pansy Parkinson" I muttered. "Oh my god" said Susan. Then both of them bursted out laughing. It took them a while for them to calm down. "So who did you get Su" I asked while glaring at both of my sisters. "I'm not sure" she said with a question on her face. "What do you mean by that" Hermione asked curiously. "The name I got was Prince Caspian of Telmar" she said.

"Telmar is a country from the magical world of Narnia" Hermione said in a mater of fact tone. "But how is that possible" I asked. "We never met anyone with that name before" Susan said. "Who was yours Mione" I asked curiously. "It was Harry" she said with a smile. "Of course it's Harry" Susan said.

"Changing the subject we are also bonded to other creatures. And we can also preform other types of magic" I said. "Yes I saw that too" Susan said. "Do you think that there could information of that type of magic in here" Hermione asked with a sparkle in her eyes.

"But first let's ask Kreacher if we could use the library first. There could be dangerous things in here that we don't know about" I said. "Kreacher"called Susan. Then we heard a 'pop' and he was there. "What can Kreacher do for you master and mistresses" asked Kreacher. "Kreacher you don't have to call us master or mistresses" said Susan in a gentle tone.

"No. Kreacher could never disrespect masters and mistresses" he said starting to get upset. "Alright you can call us however you please" said Hermione. "Kreacher can we use the library for research" I asked. "Of course master. I have cleaned the library everyday. It is ready to use" he said proudly. "Thank you Kreacher" Hermione said kindly. Then with another 'pop' he left.

Then I looked at the time it was getting late. "We should start tomorrow morning. It's getting quite late" I said. "Alright good night Ed" said Susan leaving the library. "Are you sure you are alright" asked Hermione worried.
"I'm alright" I said. "Well then good night Ed" she said. Then she left the library leaving me alone. Then I headed to bed. Without noticing I closed my eyes.

All I could see was darkness then I heard a voice whispering, "Edmund". I couldn't recognize the voice. It kept saying my name over and over. Then I saw a little light. Once it came into view I saw Aslan. I ran towards him. I gave him a tight hug. "I have missed you Aslan. Where have you been" I asked. "My dear child I never left your side. I might not have been there physically but I was there spiritually and mentally" he said in his calm tone.

"Aslan is it true that the white witch could still be alive" I asked nervously. "It's true my boy but you must fear not because I will be by your side" he said. "So she is the one from the prophecy that the centaurs told us about" I asked. He looked at me then nodded. "Then can you tell me who it is that is going to defeat her" I asked. "I'm gonna give you clues of who it could be but you must not tell your brother or sisters. They must discover it on their own" he said and I nodded. "Can I tell my dad and uncle at least"I asked. "You will need all the help you can get to find this person" he said.

The Five Kings and Queens of Narnia (Chronicals of Narnia x Harry Potter)Where stories live. Discover now