Chapter 3 Secrets and Guilt

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Just before classes end

It was a pretty typical day for Atreyu. The students in the business course usually kept pretty busy. Most of their work involved group projects and presentations. These projects helped them learn the skills they needed for the corporate world.

The biggest take away though, would be what kind of connections a student can make for the projects. The bigger the connection, the better. Connections could be anyone from other students to faculty, to even pro heroes and agencies if the need arises.

Being the daughter of a pro hero, Atreyu already had a big advantage with connections. In the business course at UA, Atreyu was the top of her class and she was the class rep, not only for her own class but for the entire business group.

Her grades and extracurricular were not the only things to put her in the top spot. She was the first student, hero or non-hero course, to receive multiple hero recommendations. One from Hawks. Another from Best Jeanist. And of course one from Fat Gum.

She met Best Jeanist while volunteering at a hospital the year before. He knew her history and past from rumors back when Fat Gum first rescued her. When she told him of her goals of being a teacher and what being a hero meant to her, he found her views very refreshing and that she was similar to Hawks in regards to his childhood. Hawks even gave her a recommendation without ever meeting her. Although she hopes to meet him soon to thank him.

'If he was ever available I could finally thank him in person.' she thought as she headed towards her last stop of the day, the nurse's office.

On days when she volunteers at hospitals, Atreyu will stop by the nurses office to see if she needs anything. She mostly loved to chat with the sassy old woman. Recovery Girl was like the grandmother she never had.

Atreyu reaches the nurses door and walks in without knocking like normal since usually no one was ever there,

"Hey recovery Girl! Just wanted to check on you before I....."

but today was different....

There was a scrawny blonde man laying in a bed asleep with bandages around his stomach. He seemed familiar to Atreyu but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. Next to him was a boy with green hair and freckles.

'He would be cute if he wasn't so injured.... Poor kid looks like he was hit by a bus...' Atreyu walked over to the boy's bedside and brushed his hair to the side. The boy stirred in his sleep but never woke up.

'He looks so fragile. Like he would crumble under the slightest touch.'

Without looking away from the boy she asked,"What happened to them?"

Recovery Girl was silent for a moment before saying with a heavy tone,"Villains attacked the USJ building today, while the students from 1-A were training, in hopes of killing All Might. Thankfully their plan failed."

Atreyu removed her hand in shock and looked at the boy, " This boy is in the hero course!? I thought he was a middle schooler! He's so little...." She said looking back at him worried that her outburst might have woken him up. Relieved that she didn't, she exhaled the breath she was holding.

"He's in here more than he should be. Poor kid's quirk injures him because he doesn't know how to control it. The exact opposite of yours haha." Recovery Girl told her.

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