Chapter 13 The First Round

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Shinsou stared up at the cloudy sky.

As the crowd cheered Midoriyas victory, Shinsou laid on his back gritting his teeth in disappointment and frustration....

He was so sure that he would at least move on to the second round....

Slowly he got up and met Midoriya in the middle of the arena. He ignored everything around him as he hung his head in defeat. He could feel Midoriya's eyes on him and he felt humiliated.

"Shinsou.... Why do you want to be a hero?" Midoriya asked.

Shinsou thought back to when he was in middle school....

How everyone treated him like a villain because of his quirk....

Everyone except Atreyu...

He smiled slightly thinking about his goofy, energetic friend. Shinsou turned as he answered,

"You can't help what your heart longs for..."

As he walked towards the exiting hallway of the arena he heard his classmates from general studies cheer him on. Telling him that he was amazing. That he was the shining star of general studies. He even heard some of the spectators envy his quirk and that UA was dumb for not putting him in the hero course.

As he listened to everyone's praise, his humiliation and disappointment turned into hope and determination.

He turned to Midoriya and said ,"People tend to avoid me because of my quirk.... But I'm not going to give up! I'm going to get into the hero course and become a greater hero then all of you. Just you wait."

Midoriya gave Shinsou a determined look and answered,"Right-" And just like that he was brain washed again.

Then Shinsou quickly released his hold on him with a chester cat like grin,"You should always keep you guard up Midoriya and don't you dare lose your next matches".

Midoriya answered again only to be brain washed again. Shinsou gave him an annoyed look until he heard a giggle come from the hallway. He turned to see Atreyu waiting for him. He let go of his hold on Midoriya and walked towards her.

As he approached her she started to walk towards him as well until they finally faced each other. Atreyu gave him a warm comforting smile. She knew how hard he would be taking the loss. He always took everything so hard and she knew he would probably need her right now. But as she looked at his face she noticed that he didn't look so defeated.

She was relieved and went to hug him. Shinsou tensed as he felt her wrap her arms around his torso and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Atreyu I'm sweaty. You probably shouldn't-"

"I don't care," she smiled. "You were amazing out there. I'm so proud of you."

Shinsou's heart clenched.

She always knew what he needed to hear....

He slowly wrapped his arms around her and rested his head on her shoulder. Tears started to form in his eyes as he hugged her tighter. Everything he was feeling hit him in a giant wave.

His pride...

His frustration...

His disappointment...

His love for her....

She was always there for him and he would have been truely lost without her support after all these years. Shinsou buried his face further into her neck and shoulder as he started to shake. Atreyu didn't mind though. She was Shinsou's biggest supporter and fan after all.

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