Chapter 33 The Hot Spring

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(trigger warning)

Everyone had just finished eating and was heading to the hot springs. Atreyu was still in her room nervous. She had just got off the phone with her dad and he was able to ease most of her nerves. He reminded her that she didn't have to say anything she didn't want to but to also not be afraid to let people in who genuinely want to be friends. Atreyu took a deep breathe and left her room to head to the hot springs.

In the guys side of the hot springs, all of them waited to hear if Atreyu was going to show up in the girls side. They overheard the girls at dinner talk about what they wanted to ask her. Such as the training, her past, and what she thought about them. They were too curious to not listen. This time they made sure to restrain Minata. They did not want anything to interrupt their girl talk. Suddenly...

"There you are Atreyu! We were worried you weren't going to show up!" They heard Ashido say. The boys tensed as they listened to the other side. Some were listening so intensely that they started to picture Atreyu and the other girls in the hot spring. Making them blush.

"Honestly I'm surprised I was invited...I know I've been a bit harsh these past few days..." She said as she entered the spring. Atreyu moved to where her back was close to the boys side. She knew that they were there listening and she figured it would be easier for the nosy bastards to hear.

"Yeah but the things you say to us isn't wrong, ribbit" said Tsu.

"It's a very tough love way of teaching and we're use to that thank to Mr Aizawa. So don't sweat it!" Winked Ashido.

"I'm curious as to how you came up with each plan. I can see that you put a lot of work into it." Said Yaoyorozu.

"A lot of the information came from what I saw at the sports festival and from what Mr Aizawa told me. Some plans were easier than others since I knew some of you already." Atreyu smiled.

"You mean like Iida" Uraraka winked.

"Or Shoji!" Said Hakagure. Atreyu chuckled and Shoji and Iida blushed at the mention of their names.

"Yes their plans were easier to write but that doesn't mean they get any special treatment or anything." Atreyu smiled.

"Speaking of boys" Ashido have a mischievous grin, "Is there anyone you like right now?"

Atreyu blushed at the question and some of the boys tensed at the sudden topic.

"I uhh..." Atreyu stuttered.

"Don't put her on the spot like that!" Scolded Jiro.

"What? I'm interested! Ever since I saw that poll I have been obsessing over it! Call me a romantic!" Ashido laughed.

"It's okay I just... Wait... What poll?" Atreyu asked. The girls looked at her with a surprised look. The guys all cursed Ashido for telling her about it. Even though it wasn't really a secret or anything...

"You don't know? There is an online poll that people vote on to see who would be the best match for you! You should check it out! There's a lot of cute pictures of you and some of the boys!" Ashido smiled. Atreyu was confused.

"Why do people care about that? Who would vote for such a thing?" Atreyu asked while tilting her head. It was the strangest thing to her. She didn't see herself as some kind of celebrity that people would take the time to gossip about her non-existent love life.

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