Chapter 49 A New Home

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Several days later

It was finally move in day at UA and Shinsou was helping Atreyu hook up her projector in her dorm. Shinsou and Atreyu were told by Mr Aizawa to go ahead and set up their dorms while he talked with his class. Atreyu was on the second floor and Shinsou, to his disappointment, was on the fourth floor next to Bakugou. But he was still excited to be in the hero course finally and to be living close to Atreyu. They can finally hangout more and see each other all the time. Just like middle school.

Atreyu and Shinsou kept glancing at each other every once in a while and would smile with excitement. Today was a good day. Shinsou saw Atreyu look out her balcony window and smile.

"Hey! Class 1A finally showed up!" She said looking out her window. She waved but it didn't look like any of them noticed her. Shinsou walked up behind her and looked at his new classmates. He remembered back a couple days ago when Atreyu, Bakugou and himself talked with Mr Aizawa about the possible traitor.

A few days ago

Atreyu, Shinsou and Bakugou sat together on Principal Nezu's couch. They felt a slight nostalgia from when they all sat on the same couch before when going over the sports festival. Felt like forever ago....

"Thank you for meeting with us. Please have some tea " Nezu offered. Atreyu took a cup happily with a smile while the boys declined the tea.

"There's really no easy way to talk about this but... Based on the evidence we've collected, there is a traitor in class 1A. We need the help of you three to fish them out " said Mr Aizawa.

"What evidence do you have?" Asked Shinsou.

"During the attacks at camp, someone sabotaged Atreyu's medical bag and tried to hide the evidence. We've also discovered a tracker in Atreyu's hospital room and we believe that's how the villains knew where to warp to to kidnap her. They may have already used the same tracker to lead the villains to the camps location." Said Aizawa.

"Where there any clues or fingerprints on anything?" Asked Atreyu.

"No everything was either wiped clean or could be the effect of someone's quirk." Answered Aizawa.

"Why don't we just lock everyone up and interrogate them!" Barked Bakugou.

"There's too many students to keep that close an eye on and if the traitor feels cornered then they could easily vanish before we get the chance get any Intel on them." Said Nezu.

"So you want us to figure out who it is before they suspect we know anything?" Asked Shinsou.

"Exactly." Said Aizawa.

"How the hell do we do that?" Growled Bakugou. He felt that sneaking around playing detective was a waste of time. He just wanted to find them and kick their ass.

"Keep an eye out for any odd behavior or any evidence you can find. After students move into the dorms we will initiate a lockdown that will keep everyone in the dorms. We'll tell everyone that it's too beef up our security. Which is true, but it'll also give you guys the chance to investigate." Said Nezu. The three students were shocked to hear about a lockdown.

"What about classes? Or training?" Asked Atreyu.

"Classes will be suspended and there are gyms in the dorms. You can hold tutoring sessions if you want to. I will also show up every now and again to check on everyone." Said Aizawa.

"Why suspend classes? Isn't the grounds just as safe as the dorms?" Asked Shinsou.

"Yes but we want the traitor to be anxious and uncomfortable. They most likely have to check in with the League in some way and if we make it harder for them to do so, they will make a mistake." Said Nezu.

"So what happens if we find something?" Asked Bakugou.

"You will mostly just inform me when I visit but in case of an emergency, all three of you will have a panic button. Press it and I'll be over in seconds." Aizawa said in a serious tone.

"We should come up with a way to communicate with each other while in the dorms too." Atreyu said.

"We could speak Spanish if any of us finds anything." Bakugou smirked. Thinking that Shinsou didn't know Spanish.

"That's a great idea! That way we can say whatever and it not seem it of place! Lucky for me you both know a little Spanish already!" Atreyu smiled.

"Since when did this extra learn Spanish?!" Shouted Bakugou. Shinsou smirked.

"I've known for a while now. Atreyu asked that I only speak to her in Japanese so she can learn it better. Why do you know Spanish?" Shinsou teased. Bakugou blushed from embarrassment and looked away.

"It was just to get ahead. The number one hero should know multiple languages. THAT'S IT!" Bakugou shouted. Aizawa rolled his eyes at the two.

"Enough. It's settled. During the lockdown, you three will hunt down the traitor and then contact me. Do not attempt to catch them yourselves. Got it? You are only to find Intel and evidence. No fighting. Do you understand?" Aizawa said in a serious tone. The three students nodded. They knew that they had a very serious and delicate job to do and they were more than ready for the task.

End of flashback

Atreyu and Shinsou watched as the mood of class 1A suddenly changed from happy to guilty.

"What's with them?" Atreyu asked looking up at Shinsou who realized just how close she was. He froze for a moment and shrugged.

"He's probably still upset at the ones who went after you and that Pomeranian." Shinsou said while trying to hide his blush.

They both looked back at their classmates and saw Bakugou drag Kaminari back behind the bushes. Suddenly there was a flash on lightning and Kaminari came from the bushes with with a goofy look on his face and a thumbs up. This made everyone lighten up and Atreyu realized that Bakugou was doing that to make everyone not feel down. She smiled.

'He really is sweet sometimes' she thought. Shinsou saw Atreyu have a small smile on her face while she looked at Bakugou and couldn't help but feel a little jealous.

"Come on. Let's go greet the others." Shinsou said while heading towards her door Atreyu followed happily and they left to go greet their new dorm mates.

The others were excited to see that both Shinsou and Atreyu would be living in the dorms with them. Mr Aizawa explained that Shinsou would be joining the hero course and Atreyu would be the teaching assistant that'll help with training and tutoring. Then as a class they toured the dorms and later got settled in.

Later that night

The boys were relaxing in the common area after spending all day setting up their new dorms. Bakugou had already left to go to bed and Shinsou was about to do the same until they all heard the girls walk in.

"Hey guys! Did you get all settled in?" Asked Ashido.

"Yup! It was a lot of work but we're all done. What about you guys?" Kaminari asked. The girls looked at each other and giggled.

"Well we had a great idea... Well Atreyu had the idea really." Said Ashido. This sparked Shinsou's interest as he locked eyes with Atreyu.

"How about we take a peak into each other's rooms?! Come on it'll be fun to see everyone's rooms!" Smiled Ashido.

Atreyu and Shinsou smirked at each other with a small smile. They both realized that this would be a great opportunity to see if they can spot anything odd in anyone's rooms. It was a sneaky but brilliant plan.

'Nice work Atreyu.' Shinsou thought as he stood up and said, "I'm game." 

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