Chapter 11 Seeing Through Walls

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Bakugou saw Atreyu leave the locker rooms and head down a hallway. He decided to follow her and get to the bottom of everything. He had too many questions. What is her quirk? Why the hell wasn't she using it? Why is she hiding it? Why is she refusing the hero course with skills like hers? Why were her legs so bloody? Why.....

'why do I keep thinking about her....' Bakugou quickly shook his head. He reasoned with himself that the fact she's hiding something is what's really bothering him. Nothing else! Definitely not those golden eyes.... Or her constant teasing.... Which by the way pisses him off! Even though he found it kind of fun. But in a stupid annoying kind of way. He shook his head again.

' why the hell is she so confusing?! It's fucking annoying! Just thinking about her makes me want to kick her ass!!' he yelled in his head.

He looked up and saw that they were alone in this hallway. Now was the perfect time to ask her and get to the bottom of what she is hiding.

"Oi shithead!" He called out. But Atreyu didn't respond. He noticed that she was wearing big colorful headphones and that she was dancing while she walked. It was pretty goofy.

"Tsk.... Fucking brat" he mumbled as he marched towards her.

"HEY! I'M TALKING TO YOU!" Bakugou yelled as he marched closer to her. She was still dancing like an idiot and Bakugou could hear her softly singing along. He blushed slightly hearing her sing but quickly shoved that feeling down and grabbed her shoulders. He spun her around and she locked eyes with him. She gasped at the sudden intense glare from Bakugou. She had to fight a shiver from crawling up her spine. 'Why do those red eyes have such a weird effect on me...?' she thought. Bakugou looked at her for a long moment. Staring into those golden eyes he almost forgot what he was going to ask.

Which confused him.

Then it angered him.

"Did you not hear me yelling at you--" he started to ask while still holding her shoulders. She gave him a mischievous grin and said ,"What? Sorry? I can't hear you I--'" Bakugou roughly pushed her headphones off her ears and pushed her to the wall with his hands on either side of her head. The headphones slipped and broke on the concrete.

"Aww man I just got those...." She sighed. Bakugou felt a little guilty. He didn't mean to break them. He just wanted her to listen.... But too late now and he was not about to show her any weakness by saying sorry. She looked back up at him and they locked eyes. Both of them felt their stomaches do flips and that they were on fire. Neither dared to show it though.

"Boy you need an anger management class. Want me to get you a brochure?" She smirked. Bakugou growled as intimidating as he could ,"Is everything a fucking joke to you?" Atreyu shrugged, "sometimes..."

"Tsk... What the hell is your quirk? Why the fuck aren't you using it?" He leaned closer trying to intimidate her but by the look on her face it wasn't working. Which only infuriated him more. 'why the hell does she piss me of so much?!'

"Ah... So that's it. You just don't like secrets." She said in an annoyed tone, " Look, my reasons are personal and it's really none of your business. I mean seriously! Is this how you ask people things? Do you not have any social skills at all?--mm?"

Bakugou quickly covered her mouth but before she could protest she heard a voice around the corner.

"You.... Wanted to talk?"

'That's Midoriya!'she thought.

Bakugou leaned in close to her ear. Chests touching as he pinned her closer to the wall. He breathed into her ear ,"be quiet" in a deep tone. She couldn't fight that shiver. She just hoped he didn't notice.... But he did. Bakugou smirked. Satisfied that he found some kind of weakness in her, he remained close to her but only moved his head slightly to eavesdrop. He looked back into her eyes and froze. He could feel her steady breathing against his chest and the heat on her cheeks against his fingers. He quickly removed his hand but that only made them realize that he was mere inches from her face. He involuntarily looked at her parted lips and began to feel hot. Bakugou hoped that she didn't notice. He looked back into her eyes and she gave a smirk. She noticed his moment of weakness. Then another voice began to speak.

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