Chapter 47 The Talk

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The next day

knock knock knock

"Oh! That must be Atreyu! I'll get it!" Mitsuki said with excitement as she rushed to the door.

She opened the door with a smile and saw Atreyu and her father standing in the doorway. Her father was in his hero attire and Atreyu was wearing a deep blue sun dress with white flowers with her hair done up in a braided updo. Both of them had a bright smile and Mitsuki couldn't help but smile back.

"Hello!" They both smiled.

"Welcome! Welcome! Please come in!" Mitsuki said while opening the door. Tashiro hesitated.

"I would love to but I gotta run to the agency so I'm just dropping Atreyu off. Mrs. Bakugou? Do you have a moment to talk?" Tashiro said in a tired tone. Mitsuki nodded in surprise and turned to Atreyu.

"Of course. Katsuki is in his room upstairs Atreyu. He's been a little crabby today so don't let him bother you." His mom said.

"He's crabby everyday!" Atreyu laughed.

Mitsuki laughed. She knew right away that she'd like her. Atreyu then told her father goodbye and went up stairs while their parents talked privately.

Atreyu sees a room upstairs with Katsuki on the door and Atreyu knocked. After a moment, Katsuki opened his door and saw that it was Atreyu. He was taken aback by her look. He'd only seen her in training clothes and the schools uniform. Seeing her all dressed up was almost a shock and he felt his stomach begin to flip.

"What the hell are you dolled up for?" He growled.

"Hello to you too." Atreyu smiled and pushed past him into his room. Katsuki just watched her as she walked around his room. He was able to get a better look at her while she looked at his bookshelf. The deep blue of the dress complimented her skin tone and her eyes well.

Although he couldn't help but imagine her in red-

"I didn't peg you to be a big reader..." She said softly. Katsuki leaned against his desk while keeping his eye on her still.

"It's mostly just for studying...I don't have time to do anything other than that and training." He said calmly. Atreyu rolled her eyes and he felt his jaw tighten.

"Haven't you ever heard the expression 'All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy'?" She said.

Katsuki knew that she was trying to joke but he noticed a sadness in her tone. The look on her face told him that something was on her mind.

Maybe she was dreading the talk as much as he was....Katsuki turned to open a drawer in his desk and pulled out a box.

"Here." He said while handing the box to Atreyu. Atreyu turned to look and saw that it was a new pair of headphones. Really expensive headphones. Atreyu grabbed the box and looked up at Katsuki who has a light blush on his face.


"It's a replacement for the ones I broke at the sports festival. A better replacement. The ones you had were shit." He interrupted.

Atreyu looked at the headphones as she remembered the moment they had in the hallway just before the matches. She completely forgot that when he pushed her to the wall they fell and broke. She then remembered how close they were and how the security guard thought they were making out. Atreyu chuckled at the memory with a sad smile.

"Thank you Katsuki..... It feels like that was years ago....."

Katsuki noticed the sad tone in her voice and looked back at her. He saw such a pained look in her eyes. A look that bothered him more than he would've liked. Something seemed off but he decided to wait until after dinner to ask. He was saving all of the difficult topics for later and he was not looking forward to it.

What It Means To Be A Hero (BNHA X OC) Book I Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora